biologyspecialized(alsocotransport)uk/ˌkəʊˈtræn.spɔːt/us/ˌkoʊˈtræn.spɔːrt/themovementof twosubstancesacrossamembrane(=outercoveringof acell)in the samedirection,especiallywhere onesubstancehelpsthemovementof the other:
Carriers translocate solutes such asaminoacidsacrosstheplasmamembranealoneor in co-transport with another solute.
- Uptakeacrossthe microvillousplasmamembranemay beenergisedby co-transport with other solutes.
- There must be asubstancesuch asglucosewhich canactivatethesodiumcotransportsystemsin thegutepithelium.
- Furosemideincreasestheexcretionofwaterbyinterferingwith the chloride-binding cotransportsystem.
- anaphase
- anti-platelet
- assort
- biotech
- bipolar
- erythrocyte
- germ cell
- haemoglobin
- homologous chromosomes
- infiltration
- intercellular
- intermitotic
- internuclear
- meiosis
- mitosis
- protoplasmic
- ribosomal
- ribosome
- sensory neuron
- sickle cell