uk/ˈkɒt.ən.siːd/us/ˈkɑː.t̬ən.siːd/theseedsofcottonplants, used to makeoiland asanimalfood:
Hewantsto uselocallygrowncottonseed orpeanutstocreatebiofuel.
Most cottonseedmealis used asanimalfeed,especiallyforbeefanddairycattle.
See also
cottonseed oil
- The cottonseed thatremainsafter thecottonfibresareseparatedis used toproducecottonseedoil, and the cottonseedmealthat isleftisgenerallyfedtolivestock.
- Therestaurantnow givescustomersenvironmentallyfriendlyutensilsmade ofcornstarchand cottonseed.
- Cottonseedmealischeapinareaswherecottoniswidelygrown.
- amaranth
- arborio
- arborio rice
- barley
- basmati
- dent corn
- durum wheat
- einkorn
- emmer
- farro
- kasha
- long-grain rice
- maize
- malt
- mielie
- rice
- rolled oats
- rye
- semolina
- short-grain rice