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corenoun(IMPORTANT PART)C2[SorU]thebasicand mostimportantpartof something: 核心,关键,最重要的部分 Thelackofgovernmentfundingisat thecore of theproblem.缺乏政府拨款是问题的关键所在。 - Theradicalsin thepartywereclearlysackedtopropitiatetheconservativecore.
- Hardline rightwingersformthe core of themovement.
- The core ofourworkforcecomes fromlocalfamilies.
- Adesireforjusticeis at the core of hisarguments.
- The core of herphilosophyisrespectforlife.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlaces and locations - anatopism
- behind
- Cambrian
- capital
- coign of vantage
- direction
- drop-in
- far from the madding crowdidiom
- hill
- Mecca
- multi-location
- multi-site
- natal
- nestle
- position
- station
- subsite
- technology park
- venue
- World Heritage Site
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Centres of objects Important and essential things corenoun(CENTRE)C2[C]the hardcentralpartof somefruits, such asapples, thatcontainstheseeds: (水果的)核,心 Don'tthrowyourapplecore on thefloor!别把苹果核扔到地板上!  Roman Samokhin/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages [C]thecentreof aplanet: (星球的)核心,中心 The earth's core is ahot,moltenmixofironandnickel.地核是滚烫的铁镍熔融混合物。  neyro2008/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages [C]physicsspecializedThe core of anuclearreactor(= adevicein whichatomsarechangedtoproduceenergy)is theplacewherefission(= thedividingofatoms)happens. (核反应堆的)堆芯,活性区 [C]anatomyspecializedthemusclesaroundyourpelvis,hips, andabdomenthat you use in mostbodymovements: 核心肌群 Theseexercisesaredesignedtostrengthenyourcore.这些练习设计用来强化你的核心肌群。 [C]geologyspecializedalong,thincylinder-shapedmassofmaterialtaken out of theearthforstudy 岩芯 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFruits & seeds & their parts - ackee
- aronia
- bergamot
- boll
- bur
- chia
- cocoa bean
- coffee bean
- conker
- drupe
- endosperm
- fruiterer
- kernel
- nut
- oilseed
- pip
- rind
- seed corn
- seed potato
- thistledown
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Centres of objects Astronomy Machines - generators & pumps Substances & structures in the body The human torso Samples and examples Geology - general words coreadjective(IMPORTANT)mostimportantor mostbasic: 核心的,精髓的,最重要的They arecuttingbackproductionof some oftheircoreproducts.他们正在减少生产他们的一些核心产品。 core value, belief, issue, etc. avalue,belief, etc. that isbasicand moreimportantthan any other: 核心价值(信仰、问题等)Thefinalstatusnegotiationswouldfocuson the coreissuesof thepeaceprocess.最终地位的谈判会把重心放在和平进程这一核心问题上。 See morecore business/operations/activities the mostimportantorlargestpartof a company'sbusinessactivities: 核心业务The company's coreoperationsincludeentertainmentandaviation.公司的核心业务包括娱乐和航空。 See morecore curriculum/subjects/courses the mostimportantpartsof acourseofstudy, that allstudentsmustlearn: 基础课程Wewanttoseegreaterprovisionofsubjectsoutsidethe corecurriculum. See morefoundin themainpartof thebody, but not thearmsor thelegs: 下肢肌肉Pilatesis good forstrengtheningthe coremuscles.普拉提对锻炼下肢肌肉很有好处。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesImportant and essential things - -based
- amenity
- bare
- be-all
- big league
- focal point
- foreground
- fulcrum
- fundament
- grandaddy
- heavyweight
- hot button
- imperative
- name
- need
- nexus
- nub
- the grandaddy ofsomethingidiom
- the name of the gameidiom
- you can't make bricks without strawidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Substances & structures in the body The human torso toremovethe core from apieceoffruit: 去掉…的果心Peel and core thepearsbeforecookingthem.煮梨前先削皮去核。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRemoving the skin or seed from fruit & vegetables - hull
- pare
- peel
- pit
- pitted
- seed
- seeded
- shell
- shelling
- shuck
- skinless
- spud bashing
- stone
- stoned
- top
- top and tailidiom
- winnow
(Definition ofcorefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)corenoun(IMPORTANT PART)C2[SorU]thebasicand mostimportantpartof something 核心,关键,最重要的部分Thelackofgovernmentfundingisat thecore of theproblem.缺乏政府拨款是问题的关键所在。 - Theradicalsin thepartywereclearlysackedtopropitiatetheconservativecore.
- Hardline rightwingersformthe core of themovement.
- The core ofourworkforcecomes fromlocalfamilies.
- Adesireforjusticeis at the core of hisarguments.
- The core of herphilosophyisrespectforlife.
corenoun(CENTRE)C2[C]the hardcentralpartof somefruits, such asapples, thatcontainstheseeds (水果的)核,心Don'tthrowyourapplecore on thefloor!别把苹果核扔到地板上! (星球的)核心,中心The earth's core is ahot,moltenmixofironandnickel.地核是滚烫的铁镍熔融混合物。 [C]physicsspecializedThe core of anuclearreactor(= adevicein whichatomsarechangedtoproduceenergy)is theplacewherefission(= thedividingofatoms)happens. (核反应堆的)堆芯,活性区 [C]anatomyspecializedthemusclesaroundyourpelvis,hips, andabdomenthat you use in mostbodymovements 核心肌群Theseexercisesaredesignedtostrengthenyourcore.这些练习设计用来强化你的核心肌群。 [C]geologyspecializedalong,thincylinder-shapedmassofmaterialtaken out of theearthforstudy 岩芯 coreadjective(IMPORTANT)mostimportantor mostbasic 核心的,精髓的,最重要的They arecuttingbackproductionof some oftheircoreproducts.他们正在减少生产他们的一些核心产品。 core value, belief, issue, etc. avalue,belief, etc. that isbasicand moreimportantthan any other 核心价值(信仰、问题等)Thefinalstatusnegotiationswouldfocuson the coreissuesof thepeaceprocess.最终地位的谈判会把重心放在和平进程这一核心问题上。 core business/operations/activities the mostimportantorlargestpartof a company'sbusinessactivities 核心业务The company's coreoperationsincludeentertainmentandaviation.公司的核心业务包括娱乐和航空。 core curriculum/subjects/courses the mostimportantpartsof acourseofstudy, that allstudentsmustlearn 基础课程 foundin themainpartof thebody, but not thearmsor thelegs 下肢肌肉Pilatesis good forstrengtheningthe coremuscles.普拉提对锻炼下肢肌肉很有好处。 toremovethe core from apieceoffruit 去掉…的果心Peel and core thepearsbeforecookingthem.煮梨前先削皮去核。 core| American Dictionarycorenoun[C](FRUIT)the hard,centralpartof somefruits, such asapples, whichcontainstheseeds corenoun[C](CENTER)thecenteror mostimportantpartof something: Farmersformedthe core oftraditionalpartysupport. Safetyconcernsare at the core of the newfederalpolicies. earth scienceThe core of theearthisitscenter, made up of aliquidinnercore and asolidoutercore. coreadjective[not gradable](CENTRAL)Wewanttoappealtoourcoresupporterswithoutturningoffundecidedvoters. Thenotionofloveis one of the corevaluesofourcivilization. We have toconcentrateon the corebusiness,managementsaid. (Definition ofcorefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)the mostimportantor mostbasicpartof something: the core of sthThe core of the bank'sbusinessis in Hong Kong. be at the core of sthTheinternetisincreasinglyat the core of thetelecomsbusiness. coreactivities/operations core products/servicesThey arecuttingbackproductionof some oftheircoreproducts. corecustomers/workers core valuesFor acompanytoachieveacompetitiveadvantageit isimportantto have corevaluesand aclearlydefinedpurpose. acoremarket/business (Definition ofcorefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofcorecore It permits simulation of the coupled dynamics of valence electrons and ionic cores in a molecule or a material.From theCambridge English Corpus These blocks will be returned after extraction of small diameter cores of tissue for the production of tissue micro-arrays.From theCambridge English Corpus Figure 4 analyses how thecoreradius depends upon the distance of the disclination from the surface.From theCambridge English Corpus This represents thecoreof the application: the remaining work is 'overhead' that should be minimised by a good implementation.From theCambridge English Corpus Although there has been enormous progress toward accomplishing parts of the vision, thecoreproblem - the design of ligands to bind proteins - has remained intractable.From theCambridge English Corpus In addition, the local (re)presentation of the monument was deconstructed by removing acoreelement, the 'king's table'.From theCambridge English Corpus Plaques contain variable numbers of activated microglia as well as reactive astrocytes surrounding thecore.From theCambridge English Corpus The high-density pelletcoreis surrounded by a hot, fully ionized low-density corona.From theCambridge English Corpus Thecoreof the material is presented in sufficient detail that the survey may serve as a text for teaching constrained global optimization.From theCambridge English Corpus These surfaces are distorted by hydrostatic balance toward negative anomalies of pressure produced by the bend of the low-pressure vortex cores.From theCambridge English Corpus These results support the claim that a failure of self-monitoring may underlie thecoresymptoms of schizophrenia.From theCambridge English Corpus The fracture pattern of this lithology tends to lead to break up of the cores.From theCambridge English Corpus Thus, regardless of how it is packaged, every version of the cosmological argument can be assessed by targeting thiscorestructure.From theCambridge English Corpus This process is accompanied by a vertical realignment of the vortex cores inside each layer.From theCambridge English Corpus The region outside thecoreis either visible or not visible throughout the whole sequence, including the sections in the wake.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithcorecoreThese are words often used in combination withcore. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. central core The outer shell, among other things, protected the central core from attack. From theCambridge English Corpus common core As a result of the repeated exchanges of ideas, the special issue starts from a common core of questions and concepts. From theCambridge English Corpus concrete core An abstract expression represents a set of terms from the concrete core language, which are called its concretizations. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/core## |