US(alsoCouncilmember)uk/ˈkaʊn.səlˌmem.bər/us/ˈkaʊn.səlˌmem.bɚ/(alsocouncilman,councilwoman);(UKcouncillor)apersonwho is amemberof thelocalgovernmentof atown,city, orarea:
He isabletovoteas a councilmember.
Councilmember Poppy Andersonabstainedon theissue.
Hebecameapopularcouncilman after hiselection.
See also
city councilmember
- Themeetingincludedthepresentationofawardsto councilmembers fortheirserviceover this pastyear.
- She is thechairof the Board of Health, and acountycouncilmember.
- Councilmember Brookslistenedto thecomplaintsanddiscussedthem.
- Councilwoman Wendy Stokes said thecitywouldsavemoneythis way.
UK politics: local government & politics
- alderman
- alderwoman
- anti-city
- authority
- borough
- canton
- city council
- county borough
- county council
- development area
- federal district
- intercounty
- municipality
- parish council
- parochial
- prefecture
- principal area
- self-governing
- shire
- town meeting