uk/mɒnˈtæn.ən/us/mɑːnˈtæn.ən/someone from the USstateof Montana:
蒙大拿州人I'mpleaseda Montanan has beenpickedfor thisimportantjob.我很高兴有一个蒙大拿人被选来做这个重要的工作。
HehopesawealthyMontanan willstepforwardtobuythefossilsanddonatethem to an in-statemuseum.他希望有一位富有的蒙大拿人能出面购买这些化石,并捐赠给州内的一家博物馆。
- She is athird-generationMontanan whogrewup inBlackEagle.
- Schoolsteachall Montanans abouttheirstate's 12Indiantribes.
- Montanans were aboutevenlyspliton theissueof atougherintoxicationstandardfordrivingamotorvehicle.
Towns & regions: named regions of countries
- Aberdeen City
- Aberdeenshire
- AK
- AL
- Alabama
- fife
- fl.
- Flintshire
- Florida
- Floridian
- Missourian
- MN
- Monmouthshire
- Montana
- Montgomeryshire
- Stirling
- Stirlingshire
- Strathclyde
- Suffolk
- the Sunbelt
uk/mɒnˈtæn.ən/us/mɑːnˈtæn.ən/belongingorrelatingto the USstateof Montana oritspeople:
蒙大拿州的;蒙大拿州人的Hegrewup in the MontanancityofGreatFalls.他在蒙大拿州的大瀑布城长大。
Many Montananfamiliesare in asimilarsituation.许多蒙大拿家庭都遇到类似的情况。
- He isexecutivedirectorof the Montananchapterof the American Civil LibertiesUnion.
- The Montanancapital, Helena, isrecognizablebecause ofitsindividualskylineview.
- Montanansame-sexhouseholdsmushroomedby 932percent.
Towns & regions: named regions of countries
- Aberdeen City
- Aberdeenshire
- AK
- AL
- Alabama
- fife
- fl.
- Flintshire
- Florida
- Floridian
- Missourian
- MN
- Monmouthshire
- Montana
- Montgomeryshire
- Stirling
- Stirlingshire
- Strathclyde
- Suffolk
- the Sunbelt