amixtureofsand,water, andcementorlimethat is used tofixbricksorstonesto each other whenbuildingwalls:
(砌砖等用的)砂浆,灰浆Thetruckwascarryingnot only mortar andcementbuthugeplanksandbeamsandbarrelsofnails.
Theydrilled361holesinto thebaseof thetowerandfilledthem with mortar.
Building: plastering
- filler
- plaster
- plasterboard
- plasterer
- plastering
- render
- replaster
- roughcast
- Sheetrock
- stucco
- stuccoed
- wallboard
alargegunwith ashort,widebarrel(= apartshapedlike atube)thatfiresbombsor otherexplosivesvery high into theair, or anexplosivedeviceshotfrom such agun:
迫击炮(弹)Thetruckwaspackedwithheavyweapons,includingrocketlaunchers, mortars, androckets.
Therebeloperationsgenerallyconsisted of two or threeattackersfiringmortars frompickuptrucks.
The mortarlandedinmudandfailedtodetonate.
Handguns & rifles
- .22
- .45
- air pistol
- air rifle
- airgun
- carbine
- colt
- firearm
- flamethrower
- gat
- peashooter
- ray gun
- revolver
- rifle
- Saturday night special
- sawn-off shotgun
- stun gun
- submachine gun
- tommy gun
- Uzi
a hard,strongbowlin whichsubstancesarecrushedinto apowderbyhittingorrubbingthem with apestle(=heavytool):
臼,研钵Use apestleandmortar tocrushthespices.用杵和臼将香料碾碎。

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Dishes, bowls, cups & glasses
- ballon
- beaker
- cake stand
- chafing dish
- chalice
- coaster
- crock
- flute
- glassware
- go-cup
- goblet
- gravy boat
- saucer
- serving board
- side dish
- side plate
- stein
- tumbler
- tureen
- wine glass
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈmɔː.tər/us/ˈmɔːr.tɚ/relatingtomortars(=gunsorexplosivedevices)ortheiruse infighting:
HisMarineunitcame underenemymortarfire.
Another mortarbombexplodedbeyond thestation.
- The second mortarshellhitthebarn,showeringthe men withshrapnelandwoodsplinters.
- They haveengagedinrunninggunbattlesand mortarattacks,suicidebombingsandairstrikes.
- automatic
- blaster
- cannon
- cannonade
- cannonball
- carry
- cock
- go off
- gunnery
- gunpoint
- gunsmith
- kick
- machine gun
- pot
- shoot
- shoot up
- shooter
- sniper
- sniping
- Taser
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