uk/kræb/us/kræb/crabnoun[C or U](SEA CREATURE)
aseacreaturewith fivepairsoflegsand a round,flatbodycoveredby ashell, oritsflesheatenasfood:
蟹,螃蟹;蟹肉Wewalkedalong thebeachcollectingsmallcrabs.我们沿着海滩走,一路捡拾小螃蟹。
All theshopson theseafronthad crab forsale.滨海区的所有商店都出售螃蟹。
This crabmeat/saladisdelicious!这份蟹肉/蟹肉色拉味道好极了!

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Fish & seafood
- abalone
- albacore
- American shad
- barramundi
- bay scallop
- court bouillon
- crabmeat
- crappie
- crawdad
- crawfish
- gravlax
- grouper
- hard-shell clam
- hoki
- kipper
- roe
- saltfish
- sashimi
- scampi
- sea bass
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sea creatures
crabnoun[C or U](DISEASE)
crabs[plural](alsocrab lice)
smallinsectsthat canlivein thehairaround thesexorgans:
阴虱You canbuyspecialshampoofortreatingcrabs.
crabnoun[C or U](POSITION)
(alsocrab position,crab pose)
inyogaand otherformsofexercise, apositionin which you haveyourflathandsandfeeton thefloorand therestofyourbodyraisedoff thefloor, withyourface,stomach, andhipsupwards:
If you used to dogymnasticsas achild, you mightrememberdoingthecrab.
Crabposeisexcellentforstrengtheningthe glutealmuscles.
- The crab isgreatforimprovingspinalmobility.
- Push intoyourpalmsandliftyourshouldersandhipsinto a crab.
- Thedancerexecutesextraordinaryacrobatics, not least her crabpositionsandfinalbackflip.
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- bench
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- loosen
- resistance training
- Spinning
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- tai chi
- taper
- triceps dip