uk/ˈkɔː.nɪ.ʃɒn/us/ˌkɔːr.niˈʃoʊn/a verysmallcucumber(= alonggreenvegetable, usuallyeatenraw)that has beenpickled(=preservedinvinegar)and usuallyflavouredwithtarragon(= aherb):
醋渍小黄瓜,酸黄瓜Ilovetheterrineand all theaccessoriesyou get with it:mustard, a little cornichon, a littlesalad, a littletoast.我喜欢这道菜和它所有的配料:芥末、一点醋渍小黄瓜、一点色拉、一点烤面包。
It is theacidthatproducesthatpleasurableshudderwhen youbiteinto a cornichon.当你咬上一条醋渍小黄瓜的时候,正是这种酸味产生了令人愉悦的颤动。

- Theporkcame withsaucegribiche -traditionallychoppedboiledeggs, cornichons,mustardandherbs.
- Thesteakhaché ischoppedspicedrumpsteak,chargrilledandservedwith frites and a cornichon andtomatorelish.
- As agarnish,cutthe cornichon into afanshape,slicinglengthwisethrough thepickle4 or 5timesto within ½inchof one end andspreadingtheslicesinto afan.
- Iorderedthe monkfish incaperand cornichonsauce.
Types of vegetable
- alfalfa
- allium
- Anaheim
- artichoke
- arugula
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese leaves
- collard
- corn on the cob
- corn salad
- jicama
- kabocha
- kale
- kohlrabi
- lacinato kale
- salsify
- savoy cabbage
- scallion
- Scotch bonnet
- shallot