uk/ˈkʌn.tri/us/ˈkʌn.tri/countrynoun(POLITICAL UNIT)
anareaoflandthat hasitsowngovernment,army, etc.:
国家;国土What is thelargestcountry inEurope?欧洲最大的国家是哪个?
Sri Lanka is mynativecountry, but I've beenlivingin Belgium for the past fiveyears.斯里兰卡是我的祖国,但最近5年我一直住在比利时。
Theclimateiscoolerin theeastof the country.该国东部气候比较凉爽。
the country
all thepeoplewholivein a country:
(某)国人;国民Thewholecountrycelebratedthesigningof thepeacetreaty.全国人民庆祝和平条约的签订。
- After tenyearsofmilitarydictatorship, the country now has acivilgovernment.
- Frenchcheesesareexportedto many different countries.
- TheArabcountriesincludeIraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Egypt.
- Tibet,onceanindependentcountry, is nowpartofChina.
- Thegovernmenthas done little or nothing tohelpthepoorestpeoplein this country.
Countries, nationalities & continents: country & nation
- birthright citizenship
- body politic
- citizen
- coast
- countrywide
- cross-border
- domestic
- domestically
- dual
- dual citizen
- motherland
- non-domestic
- non-indigenous
- non-national
- noncitizen
- nuclear power
- statehood
- stateless
- superpower
countrynoun(NATURAL LAND)
landthat is not intowns,cities, orindustrialareasand is either used forfarmingorleftinitsnaturalcondition:
乡村,乡下Helivesoutin thecountrysomewhere.他住在乡下某个地方。
Would youprefertolivein thecountryinsteadof atown?与城里相比,你更愿意住乡下吗?
Countrylifeisn't always aspeacefulas city-dwellersthink.乡村生活并不总是像城镇居民想象的那样宁静。
It's oftenquickertotravelacrosscountry andavoidthemajorroadscompletely.穿越乡村完全避开主干道往往会走得更快。
- We woulddearlylovetosellourflatandmoveto the country.
- Fivesoldiersdiedaftertheirbuswasambushedon a countryroad.
- They have ahousein the country and aflatin London.
- Ifoundnot having acarquiteahandicapwhen I waslivingin the country.
- Wespentaluxuriousweekendat ahotelin the country.
Towns & regions: the countryside
- backcountry
- bucolic
- countrified
- countryside
- countrywoman
- cross-country
- hick
- hillbilly
- land
- non-urban
- out-of-town
- redneck
- rural
- rustic
- rusticity
- stick
- the backwoods
- the boondocks
- upstate
- wild
countrynoun(PARTICULAR AREA)
anareaoflandconsideredinrelationto aparticularfeature:
地区,地域Stratford-upon-Avon is thecapitalof Shakespeare country.埃文河畔斯特拉特福是莎士比亚故乡的首府。
Theemptyroadsmake thisareagoodcyclingcountry.空荡荡的公路使这个地区成为骑自行车的好场所。
Geography: areas of land in general
- berm
- bioregion
- circuit
- curtilage
- demesne
- ecoregion
- enclosure
- ground
- interlacustrine
- intermountain
- landbank
- non-desert
- orography
- parcel
- patch
- reach
- swathe
- sweep
- tract
→country and western
(美国西部和南部的)乡村音乐Folk & ethnic music
- bandura
- bluegrass
- country and western
- country music
- folk
- folk rock
- folk song
- raga
- session
- skiffle
- skirl
- throat singing
Geographical places
We use the before the names of rivers. We usually write the without a capital letter. If we use the word river, we usually write it without a capital letter: the river Thames, the river Severn, the Yangtze river.…Nationalities, languages, countries and regions
When we refer to a nation or region, we can use:…Idioms
across country
go to the country