corrections officer
USuk/kəˈrek.ʃənz ˌɒf.ɪ.sər/us/kəˈrek.ʃənz ˌɑː.fɪ.sɚ/(alsocorrectional officer,correction officer)apersonwhosejobis tocarefor andcontrolpeoplewho are inprison, and to makesureprisonrulesarefollowed:
Acorrectionsofficerfoundtheprisonerhadsmuggledaphoneinto hiscell.
He is aformercorrectionalofficerwho hasworkedinmaximumsecurityprisons.
She was among the first women tobecomeacorrectionofficerin thestate.
- They mustalertacorrectionsofficerif aninmateattemptstohurthimself.
- Thestatewill need tohiremorecorrectionsofficers.
- Correctionalofficersworriedabout thepossibilityoftroublewhen aprisonsmokingbanwasimposed.
- Thecorrectionalofficers'unioncriticizedthedecision.
- Hebeganhiscareeras acorrectionofficerin 2006.
Prisons & parts of prisons
- approved school
- Bastille
- boot camp
- borstal
- brig
- clink
- gaol
- gaoler
- halfway house
- open prison
- panopticon
- penal colony
- penitentiary
- prison
- straightjacket
- straitjacket
- the gulag
- warder
- young offender institution