theprocessofformingcraters(=hollowareasin theground), or thefactthatcratershaveformed:
形成凹坑All of theseimpactcratersonEarthrepresentrelativelyrecentcratering.所有这些地球上的陨石坑都典型显示出它们的成坑时间相对较新。
Thephotographshowsheavycratering,suggestingtheareahas beenbombed.照片上显示出很多弹坑,说明该地区遭到过轰炸。
- Since only one of the 150gulliesfoundsofarshowsany meteoritic cratering, they wouldappearto begeologicallyyoung.
- Rocksrecoveredfrom thesurfaceof the Moonrevealedthat the cratering of the Moon'ssurfacewasintensebetween 4,200 million and 4,000 millionyearsago
- The crateringrecordonourplanetrevealsthat manyasteroidshavestruckus in the past.
- Hisanalysisof crateringrateson themoonindicatesthat over the past 3.5billionyears, therateofcraterformationdroppedby two to threetimesuntil about 600 millionyearsago.
Holes, hollows and dips
- anti-crack
- aperture
- blistered
- chink
- cranny
- declivity
- dint
- escape hatch
- gouge
- hollow
- intake
- interstice
- leak
- leaky
- nook
- nooks and cranniesidiom
- opening
- piercing
- pinprick
- tear
thesuddenfallorfailureof aprice,market,business, etc.:
崩溃;急速跌落Theeventsof 2008 and the cratering of theeconomythereafterwereemergencies.2008年的事件和此后的经济崩溃是紧急情况。
What we'veseenin the past fewmonthsis a cratering ofsupportfor thepresident.在过去的几个月里,我们看到的是对总统支持的崩塌。
- If thebanksdon'tlendmoney,projectsare put onholdand that wouldcausea cratering in acriticalsectorofoureconomyat atimeofrecession.
- Hiscommentscomeamidthe cratering ofconfidencein content-driveninternetbusinesses.
Price decreases
- bargain
- bear market
- bearish
- closeout
- concessional
- couponer
- couponing
- cut back
- deflate
- deflation
- depreciate
- depress
- drop off
- freeze
- marksomethingdown
- overdiscount
- post-devaluation
- projected value
- promo code
- spiral
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