atypeofriceused inJapanesecooking, which issweetwithshort,roundedseedsthatsticktogether whencooked:
(日本)糯米Cooked mochi is morestickythanconventionalJapaneserice.煮熟的糯米比一般的日本米更粘稠。
asoftJapanesecakemade frommochirice:
糯米团,麻糬They wereservedricecakescalled mochi in a mushroom-basedsoup.给他们上的是蘑菇汤底麻糬,麻糬是一种糯米团。

Prassanee Insrichan/EyeEm/GettyImages
- She went to Whole Foods tobuyherself some mochi.
- Hereceivedanunexpectedholidaymealof mochi, thespeciallypreparedriceeatenby allJapaneseat thatseason.
- Dozens ofpeoplestoodinlinetotastesweetmochi, orricecakesfreshlymade bypoundingthecookedrice.
- amaranth
- arborio
- arborio rice
- barley
- basmati
- cottonseed
- dent corn
- durum wheat
- einkorn
- emmer
- Indian corn
- kasha
- long-grain rice
- maize
- malt
- rice
- rolled oats
- rye
- semolina
- short-grain rice
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