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单词 run against
释义 run against
1.hit with a quick movement猛撞
*The horse hurt its knee by running against the fence.马撞在围栏上,伤了膝盖。
*Driving in a hurry he ran his car against a tree.由于开得太急,他把汽车撞到一棵树上去了。
*While walking along the sidewalk,he was so absorbed in thought that he ran against a passerby.他走在人行道上时,全神贯注地想心事,以致和一个过路人撞了个满怀。 accidentally 偶遇
*I ran against an old friend in the street.我在街上偶遇一位老友。 unfavorable to;disfavor对…不利
*Time is now running against us in this affair.在这件事上时间于我们不利。
*Fortune seems to run against me.命运似乎与我作对。
*She never does anything that would run against the interests of the collective.她从不会做任何损害集体利益的事情。
4. compete with by running in a race ;compete with for an elected office与…赛跑;与…竞选
*She is prepared to run against the world's best runners.她准备同世界上最优秀的赛跑选手比赛。
*Roosevelt ran against Hoover in 1932.1932年罗斯福同胡佛竞选美国总统。




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