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单词 run away with
释义 run away with
1. get(sb.) out of control 使(某人)失去控制
*When he saw his dead son, his grief ran away with him and he shot himself.他看到儿子死了,悲痛至极开枪自杀了。
*Don't let your enthusiasm run away with you .不要让你的热情使你失去了控制。
*You must not let your feeling runaway with you.你不要感情用事。
2. take away(sb. of opposite sex);elope with 与(异性)私奔
*He ran away with his master's wife.他与主人的妻子私奔了。
*She was a romantic girl,and gave the impression that she would be quite willing to run away with any young man that flattered her.她是一个浪漫的姑娘,并且给人以这种印象:只要有什么年轻男人去奉承她,她就愿意和他私奔。
3.steal and carry off 携…潜逃 He has run away with all my jewels.他携带我所有的珠宝潜逃了。
4.believe easily; accept hastily without consideration轻易相信;匆匆接受
*Don't run away with the idea that you needn't work.不要轻易认为你无须工作。
*He ran away with the impression that it was out of the question.他未好好考虑就认为那是办不到的。
*Don't run away with the idea that you can always do this kind of thing with impunity.不要轻易认为你总能老干这类事情而不受惩罚。
5.consume ;cost 消耗;花费
*His new car just runs away with petrol.他的新车耗油量很大。Not only is smoking bad for your health;it also runs away with your money.吸烟不仅损害你的健康,而且费钱。 far better than others in ;get (a prize,honor, etc.) by surpassing others; win easily( a prize,etc.)在…方面做得远比别人好;胜过其他人而获得(奖品等);轻而易举地获得(奖品等)
*He surprised others by running away with academic honors.他在学术方面所获得的荣誉使别人为之吃惊。
*The girl from Shanghai ran away with the first set in the tennis tournament.那位上海姑娘在网球赛的第1轮比赛中获胜。
*She easily ran away with the women's title in the singles at the tabletennis tournament.在乒乓球锦标赛中,她轻而易举地夺得了女子单打冠军。




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