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crawlverb(MOVE)B2[I]tomovealong onhandsandkneesor withyourbodystretchedout along asurface: Thechildcrawledacrossthefloor.那个孩子爬过了地板。 Megan has justlearnedto crawl.梅甘刚学会爬。 Theinjuredsoldiercrawled tosafety.受伤的士兵慢慢爬向安全的地方。 He had to crawl along aledgeand get in through awindow. [I]tomoveorprogressslowlyor withdifficulty: Thelorrycrawlednoisilyup thehill.卡车轰轰隆隆吃力地爬上山坡。 There's a lot ofworkto be done and we're crawlingalongat a snail'space. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto move slowly - crawlThere'd been a bad accident on the motorway and traffic was crawling.
- trundleLorries trundle through the narrow lanes.
- creepHe crept downstairs, hardly making any noise.
- trudgeThey trudged wearily through the snow.
- strollWe spent the afternoon strolling around Budapest.
- ambleHe ambled over to the window.
See more results » - Thebabywas crawling around on thekitchenfloor.
- With awriggle, shemanagedto crawl through thegap.
- Thechildrencrawled through anopeningspacein thefence.
- We were crawling along indensetrafficat 10milesperhour.
- Everydaybusescrawl up themountainsidepackedwithvisitors.
- Shewatchedthelineinfrontof her crawlslowlytowards the twovotingmachines.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMoving on your hands and legs or on your stomach - clamber
- claw
- clawyourway(somewhere)idiom
- four
- grovel
- on all foursidiom
- pull
- scramble
- shimmy
- slither
- wriggle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: crawlverb(TRY TO PLEASE)[I]UKinformaldisapprovingtotryhard topleaseinorderto get anadvantage: 巴结,讨好;阿谀奉承;卑躬屈膝 I don't likepeoplewho crawl.我不喜欢卑躬屈膝的人。 He crawledtothegroupleaderbecause hewantedapromotion.因为想得到提升,他对集团领导阿谀奉承。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPraising insincerely or too eagerly - backhanded compliment
- bootlicker
- bow and scrapeidiom
- crawler
- creep
- fawn
- flummery
- glad-handing
- grovel
- hagiographic
- idealization
- massagesomeone'segoidiom
- obsequious
- people pleaser
- play up tosomeone
- schmooze
- sycophantic
- toady
- toadying
- unctuous
See more results » crawlverb(FILL)be crawling withsomethingC2informal to becompletelycoveredwith orfullof aparticulartypeof thing: 爬满;充满;挤满After thebombscare, theairportwas crawling withpolice.收到炸弹恐吓后,机场布满了警察。 See morecrawlnoun(SWIMMING)C1[SorU]astyleofswimmingin which youmoveyourarmsoveryourheadandkickwithstraightlegs 自由泳;爬泳  miljko/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSwimming - Aqua-Lung
- aquatics
- bathing costume
- bathing trunks
- bellyflop
- coasteering
- dip
- dive
- diving
- dog paddle
- floaty
- freestyle
- snorkelling
- spray pad
- spray park
- spray pool
- sub-aqua
- swim
- swimathon
- wetsuit
See more results » crawlnoun(MOVEMENT)C1[S]a veryslowspeed: 缓慢移动;徐行;爬行 Trafficmovedforwardat acrawl.车辆缓缓向前移动。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSlow and moving slowly - (as) slow as molassesidiom
- at a snail's paceidiom
- by and byidiom
- by degreesidiom
- clawyourway(somewhere)idiom
- drift
- float
- inch by inchidiom
- infiltrate
- infiltration
- jog
- labour
- lag
- laggard
- sluggishly
- sluggishness
- snail
- steadily
- steadiness
- struggle
See more results » (Definition ofcrawlfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)crawlverb(MOVE)B2[I]tomoveslowlyor withdifficulty,especiallywithyourbodystretchedout along thegroundor onhandsandknees 缓慢移动;艰难前行;爬行;匍匐前进Thechildcrawledacrossthefloor.那个孩子爬过了地板。 Theinjuredsoldiercrawled tosafety.受伤的士兵慢慢爬向安全的地方。 Megan has justlearnedto crawl.梅甘刚学会爬。 Thelorrycrawlednoisilyup thehill.卡车轰轰隆隆吃力地爬上山坡。 - With awriggle, shemanagedto crawl through thegap.
- Thechildrencrawled through anopeningspacein thefence.
- Thebabywas crawling around onitshandsandknees.
crawlverb(TRY TO PLEASE)[I]UKinformaldisapprovingtotryhard topleaseinorderto get anadvantage 巴结,讨好;阿谀奉承;卑躬屈膝I don't likepeoplewho crawl.我不喜欢卑躬屈膝的人。 He crawledtothegroupleaderbecause hewantedapromotion.因为想得到提升,他对集团领导阿谀奉承。 crawlverb(FILL)be crawling withsthC2informal to becompletelycoveredwith orfullof aparticulartypeof thing 爬满;充满;挤满After thebombscare, theairportwas crawling withpolice.收到炸弹恐吓后,机场布满了警察。 crawlnoun(SWIMMING)C1[SorU]astyleofswimmingin which youmoveyourarmsoveryourheadandkickwithstraightlegs 自由泳;爬泳 crawlnoun(MOVEMENT)缓慢移动;徐行;爬行Trafficmovedforwardat acrawl.车辆缓缓向前移动。 crawl| American Dictionarycrawlverb[I](MOVE)tomoveslowlywith thebodystretchedout along thegroundor (of ahuman) onhandsandknees: acaterpillarcrawling in thegrass Thechildcrawledacrossthefloor. fig.Thetraincrawledslowlythrough thenight. crawlnoun(SWIMMING)[U]a way ofswimmingfastbylyingwithyourchestdown,kickingyourlegs, andraisingfirst onearmthen the other out of thewatertomoveyourselfforward crawlnoun(MOVEMENT)[Cusually sing]a veryslowrateofspeed: Trafficslowedto a crawl(= a veryslowspeed). (Definition ofcrawlfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofcrawlcrawl At approximately 8 - 10 months of age, typically developing infants begin to move about independently, by crawling, bottom-shuffling, and so on.From theCambridge English Corpus Later on, rolling, crawling, sitting and walking were introduced in their statements.From theCambridge English Corpus There are armed men crawling all over the building you are in.From theCambridge English Corpus Down below, at street level, are the densely packed mortal masses who hail each float as it crawls by.From theCambridge English Corpus Visits to pistillate flowers were recorded only if the insect landed on or crawled over the stigma.From theCambridge English Corpus I listened to the bristles as it crawled over the edge of a vertical piece of paper.From theCambridge English Corpus Inside the building tranquillity reigned, and it was said that all those who entered by crawling through the small door shared equal social status.From theCambridge English Corpus As infants move about by walking, cruising, and crawling, they reach for different items, at different levels and locations, and from a variety of postures.From theCambridge English Corpus Reaching, sitting, crawling, grasping, walking, and throwing are just a few of the plethora of skills babies master in their first few years of life.From theCambridge English Corpus The females readily crawled onto the host, and typically oviposited within a few seconds.From theCambridge English Corpus They are smaller, and their habit of nocturnal feeding is peculiar, as is also that of crawling considerable distances inside the clothing.From theCambridge English Corpus However, there seems to be no significant effect of age, gender, and other motor development (like smiling or crawling) on the onset of babbling.From theCambridge English Corpus Heart-clearing morning sky: in the offing smoke crawls; that is the warship he is aboard.From theCambridge English Corpus A fully equipped and fitted out diner was much heavier than a mobile home, and when it was towed on its own wheels it moved at a crawling pace.From theCambridge English Corpus When the larvae were placed in water they rarely rose to the surface ; mostly they crawled around at the bottom of the vessel without showing the typical wriggling motion.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/crawl## |