uk/kəˈruː.ɡə.fəʊn/us/kəˈruː.ɡə.foʊn/alongopentubemade ofcorrugatedplastic(=plasticwith aregularpatternoffolds)that can beturnedveryquicklyin theairinordertoproducemusicalsounds:
You can use acorrugatedplastictubecalled a "corrugaphone" or "bloogleresonator" toproduceavarietyofwhistlingsoundswhen youspinit around.
bloogle resonator
whirly tube

Svetlana Lavereva/Moment/GettyImages
- Themusicalinstrumentshownin thepictureisknownbyvariousnamese.g. the whirlytube, the corrugaphone, the bloogleresonator.
- EverydayI willtryplayinga differentmusicalinstrument.Day30: the corrugaphone or bloogleresonator,akawhirlytube.
Musical instruments
- accordion
- acoustically
- aerophone
- alphorn
- alto
- drum machine
- drumbeat
- drumroll
- drumstick
- dulcimer
- pedal steel
- penny whistle
- percussion
- percussionist
- percussive
- tuning peg
- ukulele
- unpitched
- unplugged
- untuned