toraiseyourshouldersand thenlowerthem inorderto say you do notknowor are notinterested:
(表示不知道或不感兴趣)耸(肩)"Where's Dad?" "How should Iknow?"repliedmybrother, shrugging.“爸爸在哪儿?”“我怎么知道?”哥哥耸了耸肩,答道。
He shrugged hisshouldersas if to say that there was nothing he could do about it.他耸了耸肩,好像在说他对此无能为力。
figurativeThousands ofpeoplearestarvingtodeathwhile theworldshrugsitsshoulders(=showsnointerestorcare).成千上万的人濒于饿死,世人却无动于衷。
- She shruggedindifferently.
- Inreplytotheirquestions, she just shrugged.
- He shrugged andlookedresigned.
- You can't just shrugyourshouldersand do nothing about thesituation!
- "What shall we do?" "Don'taskme," she said, shrugging hershoulders.
Gestures & gesturing
- air punch
- air quotes
- bat
- beckon
- bird
- blow
- blowsomeonea kissphrase
- flipsomeoneoff
- flourish
- gesticulate
- gesticulation
- gesture
- peace sign
- pumpsomeone'shandidiom
- signing
- snapyourfingersidiom
- stick/putyourtongue outidiom
- tongue
- two fingers
- wink
Phrasal verb
uk/ʃrʌɡ/us/ʃrʌɡ/shrugnoun[C](SHOULDER MOVEMENT)
耸肩"I'mafraidthere's nothing I can do aboutyourproblem," she said with a shrug.“恐怕我对你的问题无能为力,”她耸了耸肩说道。
"Well, Iguesswe'll just have to do what he says," said Kim with a shrugofresignation.“哦,我想我们只能按他说的去做,”金说着,无可奈何地耸了耸肩。
Gestures & gesturing
- air punch
- air quotes
- bat
- beckon
- bird
- blow
- blowsomeonea kissphrase
- flipsomeoneoff
- flourish
- gesticulate
- gesticulation
- gesture
- peace sign
- pumpsomeone'shandidiom
- signing
- snapyourfingersidiom
- stick/putyourtongue outidiom
- tongue
- two fingers
- wink
ashortcardiganfor women
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Coats, jackets & cloaks
- achkan
- anorak
- Barbour
- barn coat
- baseball jacket
- dinner jacket
- DJ
- donkey jacket
- double-breasted
- doublet
- lumber jacket
- mac
- mackintosh
- mantle
- Nehru jacket
- single-breasted
- slicker
- smoking jacket
- sports jacket
- stole