uk/kuːp/us/kuːp/aglass, usedespeciallyfor somealcoholicdrinks, with awide,shallowbowl(= the roundpartthatholdsthedrink)and astem(= athinverticalpartbetween thebaseand thebowl):
Hebroughther afoamycocktailservedin a coupe.
Wedecidedtobegintheeveningwith a coupe ofchampagne.
another spellingofcoupé
- Tryservingdessertsin astemmedglasssuch as a coupe.
- In myopinion, thechampagnecoupe isfarmorepleasurablethan thecommonflute.
- Two coupes of Dom Perignon,please.
Dishes, bowls, cups & glasses
- ballon
- beaker
- cake stand
- chafing dish
- chalice
- coaster
- crock
- glassware
- go-cup
- goblet
- gravy boat
- highball glass
- saucer
- serving board
- side dish
- side plate
- stein
- tumbler
- tureen
- wine glass