two or a few things that aresimilaror the same, or two or a fewpeoplewho are in some wayconnected:
(相似或相同事物的)一对,一双,几个;(有某种联系之人的)一对,几个Thedoctorsaid mylegshould bebetterinacoupleofdays.医生说我的腿过两天就会好转。
Acoupleofpeopleobjectedto theproposal, but thevastmajorityapprovedof it.有几个人反对该提议,但绝大多数人赞同。
We'll have towaitanothercoupleofhoursfor thepainttodry.我们还得再等几个小时油漆才干。
She'll beretiringinacouplemoreyears.她再过几年就退休了。
The weather's beenterribleforthe lastcoupleofdays.这几天天气糟透了。
Manyeconomistsexpectunemploymenttofalloverthe nextcoupleofmonths.许多经济学家预测在未来的几个月失业率将会下降。
I'msorryI didn'tcallyou, but I've been verybusyoverthe pastcoupleofweeks.很抱歉我没打电话给你,这几个星期我实在是太忙了。
- Take a couple ofstepsbackwards.
- Shelivedin Rome for a couple ofyears, where shetaughtEnglish.
- Take a couple ofweeksoff - you need abreak.
- Thegetawaycarwasabandoneda couple ofkilometresfrom thesceneof therobbery.
- There's not much in the way ofentertainmentin thistown- just thecinemaand a couple ofpubs.
Numbers: groups of things according to number
- baker's dozen
- brace
- companion
- dozen
- dyad
- dyadic
- gross
- null
- pair
- score
- triad
- trinity
- trio
- twosome
couplenoun(TWO PEOPLE)
B1[C,+ sing/pl verb]
twopeoplewho aremarriedor in aromanticorsexualrelationship, or twopeoplewho are together for aparticularpurpose:
Anelderlycouplelive(USlives) nextdoor.一对老夫妻住在隔壁。
Should thegovernmentdo more tohelpyoungcouplesbuytheirownhomes?政府应该更多地帮助年轻夫妇购买他们自己的住房吗?
The coupleskatedspectacularlythroughoutthecompetition.这对选手在整个比赛中滑得棒极了。
- Afashionablecoupleposedelegantlyat the nexttable.
- Lawyers for the couple haveannouncedthat they arestartingdivorceproceedings.
- It'snormalfor couples toarguenow and then.
- Margot andTomseemlike a veryhappycouple - have they beenmarriedlong?
- All the otherguestsat thepartywere couples, and Ifeltratherstrangeon my own.
Groups of people
- alliance
- an
- anti-gang
- assemblage
- babyboomer
- bunch
- flashmob
- flock
- focus group
- foursome
- fraternity
- mafia
- sandwich generation
- silent majority
- sisterhood
- special interest group
- splinter group
- squad
- suspect
- syndicate
[Tusually passive,usually+ adv/prep]
连接;结合Thesleepingcarandrestaurantcarwere coupledtogether.卧铺车厢和餐车挂在一起。
Highinflationcoupledwithlowoutputspellsdisasterfor thegovernmentin theelection.低产出下的高通胀导致政府在选举中惨败。
Connecting and combining
- abut
- additive
- adjoin
- affix
- agglutinate
- aggregation
- desegregate
- desegregation
- dovetail
- eclectic
- eclectically
- hyphenate
- link(something)up
- linkage
- lumpsomeone/somethingtogether
- marriage
- marry
- weave
- weaving
- yoke
coupleverb(HAVE SEX)
When twopeopleor twoanimalscouple, they havesex.