theabilitytocontrolyourfearin adangerousordifficultsituation:
勇气,胆量;勇敢Theyshowedgreatcourage when theyfoundout abouttheirbaby'sdisability.发现自己的婴儿身有残疾时,他们表现出了巨大的勇气。
[+ to infinitive]People should havethecouragetostandup fortheirbeliefs.人们应该有勇气坚持自己的信仰。
It took memonthstosummon/pluckupthe couragetoaskfor apromotion.过了很久我才鼓足勇气要求升职。
- braveryA policeman who chased a burglar despite a serious leg injury has received an award for bravery.
- courageYou have shown great courage in coming to testify.
- pluckYou have to admire his pluck.
- gutsI didn't have the guts to go on my own.
- valourUKThe Victoria Cross is Britain's highest military award for valour.
- heroismI witnessed an example of heroism that made me proud to be British.
have the courage ofyourconvictions
to bebraveandconfidentenough to do what youbelievein:
有勇气按照自己的信念去做,有勇气做自己认为正确的事情Although many of hispolicieswereunpopular, he had the courage of hisconvictionstoseethem through.尽管他的许多政策不受欢迎,但他仍然有勇气按照自己的信念去贯彻。
- SergeantHavers wasmentionedindispatchesfor his courage.
- Harry's courage during hisillnesswasevidentto everyone.
- When Ilookeddown andsawhowfarI had tojump, my couragefailedme .
- Afteryearsofabusefrom herhusband, sheeventuallyfoundthe courage toleavehim.
- Ispentaweekgatheringthe courage to say no.
- audaciousness
- audacity
- backbone
- balls
- bell
- bell the catidiom
- bravery
- daring
- derring-do
- Dutch courage
- fearlessness
- gallantry
- grit
- heroism
- intestinal fortitude
- liquid courage
- nerve
- pluck
- spunk
- valour