modern slavery
uk/ˌmɒd.ən ˈsleɪ.vər.i/us/ˌmɑː.dɚn ˈsleɪ.vər.i/theconditionof beingforcedbythreatsorviolencetoworkfor little or nopay, and of having nopowertocontrolwhatworkyou do or where you do it:
现代奴隶制(指受威胁或暴力强迫从事某种工作,没有报酬或报酬很低,对工作方式及内容没有发言权)Modernslaveryincludesdomesticslavery,forcedsexwork, andforcedparticipationincrimesuch ascannabisproduction.现代奴隶制包括家庭奴役、强迫性工作和强迫参与犯罪,如大麻生产。
- Sheappealedto thepublictobecomemoreinvolvedinfightinghumantraffickingandmodernslavery.
- Women andgirlsare beingtrappedin anillicitsexnetworkofdegradationandmodernslavery.
- The British Governmentestimatesthat tens of thousands ofpeopleare inmodernslaveryin the UK today.
- Childprostitutionis a verywidespreadformofmodernslavery.
Trafficking & racketeering
- anti-racketeering
- anti-smuggling
- bagman
- black market
- contraband
- counter
- gun-running
- missell
- misselling
- pass
- people trafficking
- racketeering
- scalp
- sell
- sellsomeonea bill of goodsidiom
- smuggle
- smuggling
- tout
- traffic
- trafficking