credit noun (PRAISE )
B2 [U ] praise,approval, orhonour:
赞扬;赞许;荣誉 Shegot no credit forsolvingtheproblem. 她没有因为解决了这一问题而得到任何赞许。
Herbosstook creditfor it/took (all)the creditinstead. 她的老板反倒为此赢得了声誉/把一切全归功于自己。
To her (great) credit, sheadmittedshe waswrong.她承认自己错了,这(很)值得称赞。
Igave him creditfor (=thoughtthat he would have) betterjudgmentthan heshowed. 我高估了他的判断力。
be a credit tosomeone/something
to do something that makes aperson,group, ororganizationfeelproudorreceivepraise:
是…的骄傲;是…的光荣 She is a credit to herfamily. 她给家里带来了荣耀。
See more
doyour family, parents, teacher, etc. credit
tocausesomeone who has been or isresponsiblefor you toreceivepraisebyyourgoodbehaviourorsuccessfulactions:
为家庭(父母,老师等)增光 She does herteacherscredit. 她给她的老师们增了光。
See more
all credit tosomeone
used to show that youthinkapersondeservesa lot ofpraisefor something that they have done:
…值得大加称赞 All credit to her, she did it all herself. 她值得大加赞赏,这都是她一个人完成的。
See more We onlydealwithcompaniesthat have a good creditrecord. He has a good credithistory. Thegovernmenthasimposedasharpcreditsqueezein anattempttoholddowninflation. We can get a year's interest-free credit on asofa. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPraising and applauding
acclaim acclamation accolade adulate adulation cheer dispatch eulogistic eulogize eulogy exalt extol honour paean panegyric panegyrical panegyrist patsomeone on the back idiom rave slap See more results »
credit noun (MONEY )
B1 [U ] amethodofpayingforgoodsorservicesat alatertime, usuallypayinginterestas well as theoriginalmoney:
赊购,赊账,信用贷款 Theydecidedtobuythecaron credit. 他们决定用赊购的方法买那辆汽车。
Theshopwasofferingsixmonths'(interest-free) crediton electronicgoods. 这家店提供6个月期限的(免息)电器赊购服务。
B1 [C orU ] moneyinyourbankaccount:
账面余额,贷方余额 I wasrelievedtoseefrom mystatementthat myaccountwasin credit. 看到对账单上我的账户仍有存款,我松了一口气。
Her credit is good . UK Now I'vepaidin thatcheque, I'm in credit again. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBorrowing & lending
amortizable amortization arrears bad debt bonded borrow borrowing credit rating IOU leveraged buyout on the slate idiom over-borrowed overdraft overpayment pay downsomething pay off paysomeone/something back reschedule secure straight See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Paying money
Profits & losses
credit noun (COURSE UNIT )
B2 [C ] aunitthatrepresentsasuccessfullyfinishedpartof aneducationalcourse:
学分 Each of theseclassesisworththree credits. 这些课程每门3个学分。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesClasses & courses
academic year access course advanced Advanced Placement asynchronous field trip foundation course grind homework HyFlex immersion course interdisciplinarity non-class non-degree open admissions open classroom prep the national curriculum work placement workshop See more results »
credit noun (LIST OF NAMES )
the credits [plural ]
alistofpeoplewhohelpedto make afilmor atelevisionorradioprogramme, that isshownorannouncedat thebeginningor the end of it:
(电影、电视或广播节目的)演职人员名单 Everyone in thecinemawas intearsby thetimethe creditsrolled.
See more Idiom (to give) credit where credit's due
credit verb (PAY )
[T ] topaymoneyinto abankaccount:
给银行账户上存钱 They credited myaccountwith $20 after Ipointedout themistake. 我指出错误后,他们给我的账户上存入了20美元。
They've credited myaccountwith another £100. We'll credit you with theremainingamountnextweek. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBanks
anti-city bancassurance bank bank manager building society cash drawer challenger bank chequebook clearing bank credit union debit debit column deposit electronic banking giro investment bank landbanking pay safe deposit box statement See more results »
credit verb (BELIEVE )
[T not continuous ] tobelievesomething thatseemsunlikelyto betrue:
信任,相信(不大可能的事) Heeventriedtopretendhe was myson- can you credit it? 他甚至试图假装自己是我儿子——你信吗?
It was hardto credit some of thestoriesweheardabout her.我们听过一些有关她的故事,难以令人置信。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto believe someone or something
believeCan we believe a word of what this man says? acceptMost people accept what the newspapers say as being correct. creditUK It’s hard to credit that she’s 87. swallowI personally find it hard to swallow the official narrative. buyWhen it comes to global warming, he doesn't buy it, and is out to discredit the whole theory. See more results »
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBelieving
accept allegedly article of faith ascribesomething tosomething ascription belief deluded evidently feel it inyour bones idiom givesomeone the benefit of the doubt idiom gospel hold recognize room for doubt idiom seesomething insomeone/something seeing is believing idiom self-deceit self-deceiving stock word See more results »
Phrasal verb creditsomeone withsomething
(Definition ofcredit from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
credit noun (PRAISE )
B2 [U ] praise,approval, orhonour
赞扬;赞许;荣誉 Shegot no credit forsolvingtheproblem. 她没有因为解决了这一问题而得到任何赞许。
Herbosstook creditfor it/took (all)the creditinstead. 她的老板反倒为此赢得了声誉/把一切全归功于自己。
To her (great) credit, sheadmittedshe waswrong.她承认自己错了,这(很)值得称赞。
Igave him creditfor (=thoughtthat he would have) betterjudgmentthan heshowed. 我高估了他的判断力。
be a credit tosb/sth
to do something that makes aperson,group, ororganizationfeelproudorreceivepraise
是…的骄傲;是…的光荣 She is a credit to herfamily. 她给家里带来了荣耀。
doyour family, parents, teacher, etc. credit
tocausesomeone who has been or isresponsiblefor you toreceivepraisebyyourgoodbehaviourorsuccessfulactions
为家庭(父母,老师等)增光 She does herteacherscredit. 她给她的老师们增了光。
all credit tosb
used to show that youthinkapersondeservesa lot ofpraisefor something that they have done
…值得大加称赞 All credit to her, she did it all herself. 她值得大加赞赏,这都是她一个人完成的。
We onlydealwithcompaniesthat have a good creditrecord. He has a good credithistory. Thegovernmenthasimposedasharpcreditsqueezein anattempttoholddowninflation. We can get a year's interest-free credit on asofa.
credit noun (MONEY )
B1 [U ] amethodofpayingforgoodsorservicesat alatertime, usuallypayinginterestas well as theoriginalmoney
赊购,赊账,信用贷款 Theydecidedtobuythecaron credit. 他们决定用赊购的方法买那辆汽车。
Theshopwasofferingsixmonths'(interest-free) crediton electronicgoods. 这家店提供6个月期限的(免息)电器赊购服务。
B1 [C orU ] moneyinyourbankaccount
账面余额,贷方余额 I wasrelievedtoseefrom mystatementthat myaccountwasin credit. 看到对账单上我的账户仍有存款,我松了一口气。
Her credit is good . Now I'vepaidin thatcheque, I'm in credit again.
credit noun (COURSE UNIT )
B2 [C ] aunitthatrepresentsa successfullyfinishedpartof aneducationalcourse
学分 Each of theseclassesisworththree credits. 这些课程每门3个学分。
credit noun (LIST OF NAMES )
the credits [plural ]
alistofpeoplewhohelpedto make afilmor atelevisionorradioprogramme, that isshownorannouncedat thebeginningor the end of it
Idiom (to give) credit where credit's due
credit verb (PAY )
[T ] topaymoneyinto abankaccount
给银行账户上存钱 They credited myaccountwith $20 after Ipointedout themistake. 我指出错误后,他们给我的账户上存入了20美元。
They've credited myaccountwith another £100. We'll credit you with theremainingamountnextweek.
credit verb (BELIEVE )
[T not continuous ] tobelievesomething thatseemsunlikelyto betrue
信任,相信(不大可能的事) Heeventriedtopretendhe was myson- can you credit it? 他甚至试图假装自己是我儿子——你信吗?
It was hardto credit some of thestoriesweheardabout her.我们听过一些有关她的故事,难以令人置信。
credit | American Dictionary
credit noun (PAYMENT LATER )
[U ] amethodofbuyinggoodsorservicesthatallowsyou topayfor them in thefuture:
Weboughtoursofaon credit.
credit noun (PRAISE )
[C/U ] praiseorapproval,esp. torecognizeachievement:
[U ] You have to give him credit for being sohonest.
[U ] How can he take credit forworkhe didn’t do?
credit noun (MONEY AVAILABLE )
[C/U ] anamountofmoneyavailableto you because youpaidfor somethingearlier, or arecordof thismoney:
[C ] Wereturnedtheclothesand got astorecredit.
[C/U ] A credit is also anamountofmoneyyou do not have topay:
credit noun (COURSE UNIT )
[C ] aunitofmeasurementof thevaluecontributedby aneducationalcourseto acollegedegree:
Comparativereligionis a three-creditcourse.
Idioms a credit tosomeone/something
tosomeone’s credit
credit verb [T] (BELIEVE )
tobelieveortrustsomething that may not betrue:
If you can credit what thedoctorsays, theillnessisn’tserious.
She gave a creditableperformanceof a woman inlove.
Phrasal verb creditsomeone withsomething
(Definition ofcredit from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[U ] COMMERCE ,FINANCE amethodofpayingforgoodsorservicesat alatertime, usuallypayinginterestas well as theoriginalamount:
give/extend/offer credit to sb U.S.banksarereluctanttoextendcredit to thetroublednation.
deny/refuse sb credit Have youeverbeenrefusedcredit?
on credit They'vepurchasedallsortsofleisureequipmenton credit.
Thecardhas noannualfeeandusersget up to eightweeks'interest-free credit .
[U ] FINANCE themoneylentbyfinancialorganizationstocompanies,governments,people, etc.:
domestic/foreign/international credit Thecentralbankattributed theriseindomesticcredit during theperiodto ariseinprivatesectorcredit.
cheap/affordable/easy credit Risinghousepriceswerefueledbyeasycredit.
Agricultural borrowers areconcernedaboutcreditavailability as thefarmeconomyweakens.
[U ] FINANCE theamountofriskwhenlendingmoneyto aparticularpersonororganization,basedon howlikelythey are topayit back:
weak/poor/bad credit Too manymortgageshad beengrantedtohomebuyerswithweakcredit.
good credit They willletyou take thegoodsandpaylaterifyourcredit is good.
[C ] BANKING apaymentofmoneyinto abankaccount:
Hisbankstatementshowstwo credits of $5000 each.
in credit
BANKING UK if apersonortheirbankaccountis in credit, there ismoneyin theaccount:
Aslongas youstayin credit, there will be nochargesfornormaltransactionsonyouraccount.
(abbreviation CR ) anamountrecordedon therightsideof a company'sfinancialaccounts, whichshowsadecreaseinassetsor anincreaseindebt:
Theaccountingsystemautomaticallygeneratesa credit to theaccountthat wasdebited.
[C orS ] TAX anamountby which someone isallowedtoreducetheamountoftaxtheypay, because they havespentmoneyon aparticularthing:
Heintroduceda newtaxbreakin theformof a child-care credit.
[C orU ] ACCOUNTING ,COMMERCE anamountofmoneythat you haveavailabletospendwith astoreorbusiness, forexample, because youreturnedaproductorpaidtoo much for it:
If you aredissatisfiedwith anyitem, it may bereturnedwithin 14daysfor credit,refund, orexchange.
[U ] praisefor doing something good:
credit for sth Thewholeteamdeservescredit forbringingtheprojectin ontime.
take (the) credit Shefelthe had taken the credit for heridea.
See also bank credit
bank giro credit
bilateral credit
carbon credit
confirmed letter of credit
consumer credit
deferred credit
documentary credit
emission credit
export credit
extended credit
long-term credit
medium-term credit
pollution credit
revolving line of credit
secured credit
short-term credit
tax credit
trade credit
unsecured credit
BANKING ,FINANCE to show thatmoneyhas beenaddedto something such as anaccount:
Whendividendsarereceivedthe shareholder'saccountwill be credited.
credit sth with €10/€1000, etc. Within aweekmycardwas credited with the $219difference.
credit €10/€1000, etc. to sth Thebankmistakenlycreditedalmost$1 million to hisaccount.
ACCOUNTING torecordanamounton therightsideof a company'sfinancialaccountsto show adecreaseinassetsor anincreaseindebt:
credit sth to sth Afairamountshould beperiodicallycredited to 'reserve' fordepreciation.
(Definition ofcredit from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof credit credit
Tax credits have become a convenient vehicle for economic stimulation of targeted sectors and are far more acceptable politically than tax increases. From theCambridge English Corpus
If they are doing well its own perfor mance should be partly discounted but if they are doing badly it is credited accordingly. From theCambridge English Corpus
By engaging my commentary, he implicitly credits it as worthy of thoughtful reply. From theCambridge English Corpus
Perhaps he felt that the allegation would not be credited, but that seems unlikely. From theCambridge English Corpus
Each query is associated to an initial number of credits defined in the #credits parameter. From theCambridge English Corpus
The factor income deficit (mainly onerous interests on shortterm credits and to some degree profit remittances) is growing although not alarming so far. From theCambridge English Corpus
What, however, should people receive tax credits for doing? From theCambridge English Corpus
Recent reforms to maternity allowances have equally credited in low earners (albeit with different rules). From theCambridge English Corpus
If funds did not report option weights, then a simple average of crediting rates is reported. From theCambridge English Corpus
In a pension equity plan, by contrast, there are no interest credits. From theCambridge English Corpus
Moreover, sometimes the sources of the recorded vocal sounds are credited in the sleeve notes. From theCambridge English Corpus
A preschool child does not choose to study another language because it would be interesting to do so, or would give her academic credits. From theCambridge English Corpus
By definition, if one reporter disagrees with another, the same child is credited with different levels of knowledge of particular items. From theCambridge English Corpus
To be credited with the subject, no constituent other than the subject was necessary. From theCambridge English Corpus
Even a decision to distrust it can only be taken by reference to a repertoire of experiences that are credited. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith credit credit These are words often used in combination withcredit .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
academic credit
Academic validation would advise on the best way of fulfilling the learning plan and provide the appropriate accreditation so that the staff nurses gainacademic credit for their learning.
From theCambridge English Corpus
agricultural credit
They will also benefit from the help we are giving foragricultural credit .
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
cheap credit
Employers have not been enthusiastic because of the loss of thecheap credit source.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.