put up withsomething/someone
phrasal verbwithputverbuk/pʊt/us/pʊt/present participleputting|past tense and past participleput
toacceptorcontinuetoacceptanunpleasantsituationorexperience, or someone whobehavesunpleasantly:
I can put up with thehousebeingmessy, but Ihateit if it's notclean.
He's somoody- I don'tknowwhy she puts up with him.
They have a lot to put up with(= they have a lot ofdifficulties).
- I don'tknowhow he puts up withtheirconstantcomplaining.
- I can't put up with aleakyfreezer.
- I put up with hertantrumsfor 30years.
Tolerating and enduring
- bear
- bear withsomeone
- bearable
- bide
- come to terms withsomethingidiom
- endurable
- intolerance
- philosophically
- resignedly
- ridesomethingout
- rough
- sit
- sitsomethingout
- stand forsomething
- stand up tosomeone/something
- stick
- sweat it outidiom
- waitsomethingout
- weather the stormidiom
- withstand