uk/kriːk/us/kriːk/mainly UK
anarrowareaofwaterthatflowsinto thelandfrom thesea, alake, etc.:
(通海、湖等的)小湾,小港I'm going tosailto themouthof the Thames and thenletthetidetake me up a creek.
Shelovedthe Suffolk coast,withitscreeks andmarshesandreedbedsunder ahugesky.
USandAustralian English(USalsocrick)
小溪,小河Thatnightthey set upcampnear the creek.
In thisareaof Queensland you willfindstunningrainforest,burblingcreeks anddiversefloraandfauna.
[in a name]The Walter ByronMemorialPark is beside Ten Mile Creek at thebaseofMountRoyal,Colorado.

Milton Cogheil/EyeEm/GettyImages
Watercourses & waterfalls
- amazon
- arroyo
- beck
- bourne
- brook
- cascade
- cataract
- Euphrates
- fluvial
- fordable
- gulch
- maelstrom
- plunge pool
- rapids
- rill
- riverbed
- riverine
- runnel
- waterfall
- waterway
up a/the creek
up a/the creek without a paddle