crème fraîche
(alsocreme fraiche,crème fraiche)uk/ˌkrem ˈfreʃ/us/ˌkrem ˈfreʃ/atypeofthickcreamwith aslightlysourtaste:
法式酸奶油,生奶油(一种略带酸味的高脂浓奶油)Thetangycrèmefraîche on thepotatoesand thevinaigretteon thesalmonbalancedtherichnessperfectly.
Allow thetarttocooltoroomtemperaturebeforeservingwith creme fraiche orpouringcream.
Mix thecrèmefraiche witheggyolksandparmesancheese.

Stanislav Palamar/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Serve thecakewarm, with abowlofcrèmefraîche.
- Ifollowedthemaincoursewithpancakes,addingbananas,raisins, andcinnamon, with abigdollopof creme fraiche.
- Pour the creme fraichemixtureover thepotatoslicesandsprinklewith theParmesanand thethymesprigs.
Dairy products & eggs
- albumen
- beurre noisette
- brown butter
- butter
- butterfat
- curd
- dairy
- Devonshire cream
- double cream
- dried milk
- labneh
- lacteal
- lactic
- light cream
- milk fat
- soft-boiled
- sour cream
- soya milk
- sunny side upidiom