CT scan
uk/siːˈtiː ˌskæn/us/siːˈtiː ˌskæn/abbreviationforcomputerizedtomographyscan: amedicaltestthatinvolvesusingX-raystocreateathree-dimensionalimage(=appearingto havelength,width, andheight)of the inside of thebody:
She had a CTscanthatshowedasuspiciousmass.
A CTscanshouldprobablybe done in thiscase.
CAT scan

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- Only one of mytumoursshowedup on a CTscan.
- He wassentto alocalhospitalfor a CTscanthat came backnegative.
- A CTscanof theabdomenrevealedalargehiatalhernia.
- He was referred to aneurologist, whoordereda CTscan.
- UnliketypicalX-rays, whichprimarilyshowbones, CTscansshow the body'stissuesindetail.
Medical examination
- anechoic
- audiological
- biopsic
- blood work
- CAT scan
- endoscopy
- histologically
- hysteroscopy
- immunohistochemical
- irradiation
- laparoscopic
- mammography
- radiography
- sigmoidoscopy
- smear
- stress test
- triage
- ultrasonography
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