areasonfor doing something:
动机;(行动的)缘由;目的Why would she havekilledhim? She has no motive.为什么她会杀害他?她没有动机。
Does he have a motiveforlyingabout where he was?他有必要隐瞒自己去过哪里吗?
What is the motivebehind(= thereasonfor)thebombing?轰炸的动机是什么?
Ithinkyou shouldexamine/questiontheirmotivesinofferingtolendyou themoney.我认为你该仔细考虑一下/怀疑他们主动借钱给你的目的。
Shedeniesthat she has anulterior(=secret)motive for making thedonation.她否认进行这一捐赠是别有用心。
the cause of something
- reasonI frankly don’t understand the reason for the delay.
- causeInvestigators have not yet determined the cause of the fire.
- rootWe need to get to the root of her problems.
- motiveThere seems to have been no motive for the murder.
- ground(s)On what grounds was she dismissed?
- He gives a lot ofmoneytocharity, but self-aggrandizement is his motive.
- The motive for thisshockingattackseemsto beracialhatred.
- Detectives have beenunabletoassigna motive for themurder.
- Heclaimshe justwantstohelpLisa but Isuspecthe has anulteriormotive.
Motives and reasons
- cause
- causeless
- drive
- first principles
- from a place ofidiom
- ground
- hidden agenda
- impulse
- in the name ofsomethingidiom
- mainspring
- motivation
- name
- object
- peg
- place
- rationale
- should
- wherefores
- why
adjective[before noun]
(引起)运动的;发动的;原动的General words for movement
- betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- gangway
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- move
- pass
- round
- rove
- seethe
- shove
- slip