uk/ˈkreɪ.mə/us/ˈkrem.ə/cremanoun(ON COFFEE)
athinlayerof light-brownfoam(=smallbubbles)thatformson thetopof sometypesofstrongcoffee:
(浮在浓咖啡表面的)咖啡脂Themachinemakes adecentcupofcoffee, but there's no crema.这台机器能做出不错的咖啡,但是没有咖啡脂。
Theespressohas a good crema and apleasing,slightlychocolatetaste.

CBCK-Christine/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- If thediameterof thecupis toowide, it will notholda crema verylong.
- Espresso should have astrongflavour, andsmooth, hazel-coloured crema.
- Thesecretto aperfectcoffeeis to have thewaterat 90C as itrunsthrough themachine, so you get abeautifulcrema.
Warm drinks
- Americano
- arabica
- Assam
- babyccino
- bed-tea
- coffee maker
- congou
- cuppa
- Darjeeling
- decaf
- infusion
- Irish coffee
- jasmine tea
- joe
- KeepCup
- rooibos
- Rosie Lee
- sencha
- stewed
- tea
commonin Mexico, athickcreammade to have aslightlysourtaste, usually byaddingbuttermilk(=liquidleftafter taking thefatfromcreamto makebutter):
Spread eachtortillawith astripofwarmrefriedbeans, andtopwith thechicken, crema,avocado, andtomatoes.
For mymeal, Ichosethe Enchiladas Tradicionales, withchicken, cotijacheese, andMexicanCrema withriceand refriedbeans.
- Unlikesourcream, crema Mexicana has asweetcreaminessand isexcellentdrizzledovertacosorberries, or used as aningredientinsoupsandsauces.
- Thechickenenchiladasaretoppedwithourwinterblackbeansalsa, crema fresca, andavocado.
- Ourclassicfajitashavedeliciousroastedvegetablesservedwithguacamole, crema, andgratedcheese.
Dairy products & eggs
- albumen
- beurre noisette
- brown butter
- butter
- butterfat
- curd
- dairy
- Devonshire cream
- double cream
- dried milk
- labneh
- lacteal
- lactic
- light cream
- milk fat
- soft-boiled
- sour cream
- soya milk
- sunny side upidiom