second thought
uk/ˌsek.ənd ˈθɔːt/us/ˌsek.ənd ˈθɑːt/without a second thought
If you do something without a secondthought, you do it without firstconsideringif you should do it or not:
重新考虑She'llspenda hundreddollarson adresswithout a secondthought.她会毫不犹豫地花100美元买一条裙子。
have second thoughts
tochangeyouropinionabout something orstarttodoubtit:
改变主意;开始怀疑You're not having secondthoughtsaboutgettingmarried, are you?结婚的事你没改变主意吧?
on second thoughtsUK(USon second thought)
used when youwanttochangeadecisionyou have made:
(表示要改变主意)又一想,转念一想Can I have acupofcoffee,please? -actually, on secondthoughts, I'll have abeer.请来杯咖啡——说实话,我改主意了,来杯啤酒好了。
Doing things without fear or proper thought
- bravado
- carpe diem
- daredevil
- desperado
- devil-may-care
- hotheadedly
- hotheadedness
- impetuous
- impetuously
- impetuousness
- like lemmingsidiom
- like there is/was no tomorrowidiom
- precipitate
- precipitately
- rashness
- reckless
- tomorrow
- trigger-happy
- unafraid
- with no thought forsomethingidiom
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Changing your mind