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secureadjective(FIXED)B2positionedorfixedfirmlyandcorrectlyandthereforenotlikelytomove,fall, orbreak: 牢靠的;牢固的 Thatladderdoesn'tlookvery secure to me.那梯子我看不太稳固。 Check that allwindowsanddoorsare secure.检查一下,看门窗是否都关严了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSafe and secure - airworthiness
- airworthy
- as safe as housesidiom
- biosafety
- bite
- health and safety
- impregnable
- in safe handsidiom
- innocent
- innocuous
- safe
- safe space
- safeguard
- safely
- safeness
- someone/somethingwon't biteidiom
- the coast is clearidiom
- untouchable
- well kept
- worthy
See more results » secureadjective(PROTECTED)likelytocontinueand notfailor belost: 可靠的;牢靠的;稳固的Herpromotionhas made herpositionin thecompanymore secure.她的升职使她在公司的地位更加稳固。 Themuseumhas beenpromised$22 million by thegovernment, soitsfutureisrelativelysecure.政府许诺向博物馆拨款2200万美元,因此该博物馆的未来相对无忧。 She's justlefta securejobtostarther owncompany. (especiallyofobjects,situations, etc.)abletoavoidbeingharmedby anyrisk,danger, orthreat: (尤指物品、境况等)安全的Carmanufacturersought toproducevehiclesthat are more secureagainsttheft.汽车制造商应该生产出防盗性能更佳的汽车。 Endangeredspeciesneed to bekeptsecurefrompoachers.应该保护濒危物种不被偷猎。 We've done everything we can to make thehouseas secure aspossible. (of acomputerorphoneconnection, etc.)safeorprotected, forexampleagainst someonestealinginformation: Hespoketo thepresidenton a securephoneline. Thedatasentandreceivedisencryptedtoensuresecurecommunications. A secureplaceis one that it isdifficultto get out of orescapefrom: (地方)守卫森严的,插翅难逃的Hekilledthe man just amonthafter hisreleasefrom a securepsychiatrichospital. At theageof 14 he wasplacedin secureaccommodation. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesContinue & last - (it's) business as usualidiom
- bash on
- carry(something)on
- cease
- cont.
- contd
- echo
- insist ondoing something
- jag
- keep atsomething
- keepsomeoneat itidiom
- leg
- push ahead
- push on
- run on
- runsomeone/somethingover
- seesomethingout
- soldier
- span
- spin
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: secureadjective(CONFIDENT)B2notdoubtingor beingworriedabout yourself andyourpersonalrelationships: 无忧无虑的;安心的 Children need tofeelsecure inorderto do well atschool.孩子们需要感到安心才能在学校中学习好。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesConfidence & self-assurance - amour propre
- aplomb
- assertive
- assertively
- assertiveness
- dignity
- dogmatic
- dogmatically
- dogmatism
- dogmatist
- putyourshirt onsomethingidiom
- rakish
- rakishly
- rakishness
- safe
- surefootedness
- surely
- swag
- swash
- tall
See more results » secureverb(GET)[T]formalto get something, sometimes withdifficulty: 获得;设法得到 He wasdisappointedby hisfailureto secure thetopjobwith thebank.他因没能得到银行的高层工作而失望。 Thechangein thelawwill make itharderfor thepoliceto secureconvictions.法律的变更会使警方更难定罪。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto receive or be given something - getI got a new bike for my birthday.
- receiveYou will receive your tickets by email.
- obtainAfter many years of trying, she finally obtained Brazilian citizenship.
- gainYou will improve at the job as you gain experience.
- earnEventually, you will earn the dog's trust.
- achieveShe achieved top marks in the physics exam.
See more results » - Thecompanymanagedtobeatoff thecompetitionand secure thecontract.
- Thedirectorshavemanagedto secure a gooddealfor thecompany.
- Thecommander-in-chiefwas given 36hoursto secure awithdrawalof histroopsfrom thecombatzone.
- Thepresidentsaid it wasimperativethat thereleaseof allhostagesbe secured.
- Now that thefinancehas been secured, theproductionof thefilmisassured.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGetting, receiving and accepting - acquire
- acquisition
- awardee
- carve
- carvesomethingout (foryourself)
- draw
- earn
- fill
- get out ofsomething
- get/lay/putyourhands onsomeoneidiom
- glom ontosomething/someone
- go tosomeone
- honoree
- pocket
- score
- screwsomethingout ofsomeone
- seize
- seize on/uponsomething
- snapsomethingup
- snatch
See more results » secureverb(PROTECT)[IorT]to makecertainsomething isprotectedfromdangerorrisk: 使安全;保护;保卫 Thebuildinghas only onemainentranceand would beeasyto secure (against/fromintruders).该建筑只有一个主入口,所以(防止外人闯入的)保卫工作很容易。 Thisformofinvestmentis anexcellentway of securingyourchildren'sfinancialfuture.这种投资方式是为你的孩子提供日后经济保障的极佳方式。 - Care was taken to secure thecrashsiteas acrimescenetopreserveevidence.
- It's lesseasyto secure anareathat is away frompublicview.
- Strenuouseffortswere made to secure theareabefore the Prince'sarrival.
- We must, as amatterofpriority, secure thebuildingin thelightofrecentdevelopments.
- He washopingtoraiseenoughcashto secure his family'sfuture.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDefending and protecting - anti-bug
- anti-mosquito
- baby
- bandobast
- bastion
- buffer
- defence
- defend
- defensive
- harbour
- harm
- have (got)someone'sbackidiom
- hold off
- inoculation
- killsomeonewith kindnessidiom
- sheltered
- shield
- splashproof
- takesomeoneunderyourwingidiom
- watchyourbackidiom
See more results » secureverb(FINANCE)[T]to makecertainthatmoneythat has beenlentwill bepaidback, by giving thepersonwholendsthemoneytherightto ownpropertybelongingto thepersonwhoborrowsit, if themoneyis notpaidback: 抵押;为…担保 a securedloan抵押贷款 Herbankloanis securedagainst/by/onherhouse.她的银行贷款是用房子抵押的。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBorrowing & lending - amortizable
- amortization
- arrears
- bad debt
- bonded
- borrow
- borrowing
- credit rating
- holiday
- leveraged buyout
- on the slateidiom
- over-borrowed
- overdraft
- overpayment
- pay downsomething
- pay off
- paysomeone/somethingback
- reschedule
- straight
See more results » secureverb(FIX)[T]tofastenoneobjectfirmlyto another: 紧固,拴牢,扣紧 Thegatewon'tstayopen, so we'll have to secure ittothatpost.大门没办法一直保持开着,所以我们不得不将它拴在那根柱子上。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFastening and tying - anchor
- bale
- be locked togetheridiom
- belay
- bind
- boardsomethingup
- bound
- bowline
- granny knot
- half hitch
- harness
- hobble
- hogtie
- stake
- strap
- strapsomeonein
- strapsomethingup
- tack
- tapesomethingup
- tether
See more results » (Definition ofsecurefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)secureadjective(FIXED)B2positionedorfixedfirmlyandcorrectlyandthereforenotlikelytomove,fall, orbreak 牢靠的;牢固的Thatladderdoesn'tlookvery secure to me.那梯子我看不太稳固。 Check that allwindowsanddoorsare secure.检查一下,看门窗是否都关严了。 A secureplaceis one that it isdifficultto get out of orescapefrom (地方)守卫森严的,插翅难逃的Hekilledthe man just amonthafter hisreleasefrom a securementalhospital.他离开戒备森严的精神病院才1个月就杀了那个人。 - We've done everything we can to make thehouseas secure aspossible.
- Shelivesin a securecompoundwith bothsons.
- She's justlefta securejobtostartup her owncompany.
- Ileftmycarin a securecarpark.
- At theageof 14 he wasplacedin secureaccommodation.
secureadjective(PROTECTED)likelytocontinueand notfailor belost 可靠的;牢靠的;稳固的Herpromotionhas made herpositionin thecompanymore secure.她的升职使她在公司的地位更加稳固。 Themuseumhas beenpromised$22 million by thegovernment, soitsfutureisrelativelysecure.政府许诺向博物馆拨款2200万美元,因此该博物馆的未来相对无忧。 (especiallyofobjects,situations, etc.)abletoavoidbeingharmedby anyrisk,danger, orthreat (尤指物品、境况等)安全的Carmanufacturersought toproducevehiclesthat are more secureagainsttheft.汽车制造商应该生产出防盗性能更佳的汽车。 Endangeredspeciesneed to bekeptsecurefrompoachers.应该保护濒危物种不被偷猎。 - Care was taken to secure thecrashsiteas acrimescenetopreserveevidence.
- It's lesseasyto secure anareathat is away frompublicview.
- Strenuouseffortswere made to secure theareabefore the Prince'sarrival.
- We must, as amatterofpriority, secure thebuildingin thelightofrecentdevelopments.
- He washopingtoraiseenoughcashto secure his family'sfuture.
secureadjective(CONFIDENT)B2notdoubtingor beingworriedabout yourself andyourpersonalrelationships 无忧无虑的;安心的Children need tofeelsecure inorderto do well atschool.孩子们需要感到安心才能在学校中学习好。 secureverb(GET)[T]formalto get something, sometimes withdifficulty 获得;设法得到He wasdisappointedby hisfailureto secure thetopjobwith thebank.他因没能得到银行的高层工作而失望。 Thechangein thelawwill make itharderfor thepoliceto secureconvictions.法律的变更会使警方更难定罪。 - Thecompanymanagedtobeatoff thecompetitionand secure thecontract.
- Thedirectorshavemanagedto secure a gooddealfor thecompany.
- Thecommander-in-chiefwas given 36hoursto secure awithdrawalof histroopsfrom thecombatzone.
- Thepresidentsaid it wasimperativethat thereleaseof allhostagesbe secured.
- Now that thefinancehas been secured, theproductionof thefilmisassured.
secureverb(PROTECT)[IorT]to makecertainsomething isprotectedfromdangerorrisk 使安全;保护;保卫Thebuildinghas only onemainentranceand would beeasyto secure (against/fromintruders).该建筑只有一个主入口,所以(防止外人闯入的)保卫工作很容易。 Thisformofinvestmentis anexcellentway of securingyourchildren'sfinancialfuture.这种投资方式是为你的孩子提供日后经济保障的极佳方式。 secureverb(FINANCE)[T]to makecertainthatmoneythat has beenlentwill bepaidback, by giving thepersonwholendsthemoneytherightto ownpropertybelongingto thepersonwhoborrowsit, if themoneyis notpaidback 抵押;为…担保a securedloan抵押贷款 Herbankloanis securedagainst/by/onherhouse.她的银行贷款是用房子抵押的。 secureverb(FIX)[T]tofastenoneobjectfirmlyto another 紧固,拴牢,扣紧Thegatewon'tstayopen, so we'll have to secure ittothatpost.大门没办法一直保持开着,所以我们不得不将它拴在那根柱子上。 secure| American Dictionarysecureadjective(FREE FROM RISK)freefromriskand thethreatofchangefor theworse: a securejob Peoplewanttofeelsecureeconomically. Themuseumhas alargeendowment, soitsfutureisrelativelysecure. Secure can alsomeanconfidentandfreefromworry: Children need tofeelsecure inorderto do well atschool. secureadjective(FREE FROM DANGER)freefromdangeror thethreatofharmorunwantedaccess;safe: Troops weresentto make thebordersecure. Hequestionedwhether the government’scomputerdatabasewas secure fromhackers. For sometimeafter therobberywe could notfeelsecure,eveninourownhome. secureadjective(FIXED)fixed,fastened, orlockedinto apositionthatpreventsmovement: Thatladderdoesn’tlookvery secure to me. Justcheckthat thedooris secure – thelockdoesn’t alwayswork. secureverb[T](OBTAIN)toobtainsomething, sometimes withdifficulty: Shemanagedto secure aloanfrom thebank. secureverb[T](FASTEN)Secure theboatto thedock. secureverb[T](MAKE SAFE)to makesuresomething isprotectedfromdangerorthreat: Thewallwasoriginallybuiltto secure thetownfromattack. (Definition ofsecurefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)tomanageto getmoneyorachievesomething, often somethingdifficult: secure financing/a loan/a grantTheyhopeto secure a $500,000federalgranttocoversome of thedevelopmentcosts. secure adeal/contract/commitment secure awin/victory TheChinesebanksecured $3.5billioninofferswithin the first fewdaysofitsflotation. FINANCEtoborrowmoneyfrom apersonororganizationbyagreeingthat they can haveyourpropertyorassetsif you cannotpayit back: secure sth against/on sthTheextradebtwill beraisedbysellingbondssecured on thehotelandrestaurantassets. He had used theboatascollateralto secure a $10,000loan. toprotectsomething fromriskorthreat: Thisinvestmentis a good way ofsecuringyourfamily'sfinancialfuture. Costsavingswillhelpsecurejobsbyimprovingcompetitiveness. Policewerequicktosecure theareawhen theyreceivedthewarningof aterroristattack. if someone'sfuture,investment, orjobis secure, theyfeelconfidentthat it willcontinueand notfailor belost: Although the highreturnsofrecentyearscannotcontinueindefinitely, many stillseepropertyas a secureinvestment. Executivesreassuredexistingemployeesthattheirjobsare secure. safeandprotectedfrom theriskof anattackorcrime: Thelatesttechnologyallowscustomersto makesecureonlinetransactions. asecureline/network/site asecurearea/building (Definition ofsecurefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofsecuresecure One of the greatest challenges to global public health is securing treatments for neglected diseases and those endemic to poor nations.From theCambridge English Corpus He gathers resources - rents a house for and sees to the physical needs of his future band, and secures space for training and rehearsal.From theCambridge English Corpus Finally, securing access to stairs and the outdoors with locks and gates should be done to prevent wandering of walking infants.From theCambridge English Corpus In doing so, he secured essentially maritime objectives by diplomatic means.From theCambridge English Corpus Such arrangements are thought to provide the best means of securing members' interests.From theCambridge English Corpus Free elections and accountability of the government to the electorate have been introduced before the institutions of a modern state are fully secured.From theCambridge English Corpus If, by great permanent establishments, all these objects of expence are better secured ..., are they worse than if the same tastes prevailed in scattered individuals ?From theCambridge English Corpus 134 of growers and/or owners, securing adequate capital, grants or loans, and recruiting top-notch management (including field and market support).From theCambridge English Corpus He also most generously assisted the author in securing copies of a number of the sources cited in this paper.From theCambridge English Corpus Thus, the federal executive was prevented from securing favourable political conditions in several key states before the election took place.From theCambridge English Corpus At the convention he secured provisions important to his constituents.From theCambridge English Corpus In this sense it was certainly welcome to producers and researchers, since it secured the public standing of the object they dealt with.From theCambridge English Corpus The presence of an environment and an attitude supporting cost containment may be the critical factor for securing cost-effective practice behavior among physicians.From theCambridge English Corpus As a result, vast financial resources were increasingly secured and redeployed to construct military and naval machines of unprecedented size, complexity, and cost.From theCambridge English Corpus Despite perturbations of the plant process, which do not occur in the model, a satisfactory control performance still is secured.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/secure## |