custard pie
UKuk/ˌkʌs.təd ˈpaɪ/us/ˌkʌs.tɚd ˈpaɪ/aflat,openpastrycontainerfilledwith asubstancelikecream,thrownat people'sfacesaspartof a show to makepeoplelaugh
蛋奶馅饼(舞台上用来扔在对方脸上以引人发笑)asweetfoodconsisting of apastrycontainerwith asweeteggmixturein it:
Thebakerysoldbrownies,éclairs,doughnuts,cookies, andcustardpies.

Juanmonino/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Carnival, fairground & circus
- acrobatics
- aerialist
- amusement arcade
- amusement park
- big dipper
- big top
- coconut shy
- Dodgem (car)
- fairground
- Ferris wheel
- fire-eater
- foam pie
- juggler
- juggling
- merry-go-round
- midway
- Punch and Judy show
- ringmaster
- trapeze
- unicycle