someone who says that they do notapproveof someone or something:
批评者,反对者Her critics say she isleadingthepartytodisaster.批评她的人说她在把该党引向灾难。
He's his ownworstcritic(= hejudgeshimselfseverely).他对自己要求非常严格。
someone whosejobis to givetheiropinionabout something,especiallyfilms,books,music, etc.:
(尤指电影、书籍、音乐等的)批评家,评论家She's afilm/theatrecritic for the "IrishTimes".她是《爱尔兰时报》的一位电影/戏剧评论员。
Theplayhas been wellreceivedby the critics.该剧赢得了评论家们的赞誉。
- Annie's thefilmcritic for thelocalradiostation, so she's got afreepassfor all thecinemasin thearea.
- Fleck wascertainlynot the only critic to do ahatchetjobon hislatestnovel.
- Mr Masack is anoutspokencritic of thepresentgovernment.
- He has been apersistentcritic of thepresident.
- She is her ownsternestcritic.
People who analyse and judge
- adjudicator
- arbiter
- basher
- censor
- class warrior
- criticaster
- empiricist
- examiner
- external examiner
- gadfly
- judge
- jury
- monitor
- panel
- panellist
- rating agency
- reviewer
- star chamber
- wowser