uk/ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl/us/ˈkrɪt̬.ɪ.kəl/criticaladjective(NOT PLEASED)
saying that someone or something isbadorwrong:
批评的;批判的;挑剔的;谨严的a criticalreport批判性的报道
Thereportishighlycriticalofsafetystandardsat thefactory.这篇报道尖锐地批评了那家工厂的安全标准。
- She is critical of the president'sglobalistforeignpolicy.
- She washighlycritical of theinsensitiveandperemptoryway in which thecaseshad beenhandled.
- Manypeoplewere critical of theresurgentmilitarismin thecountry.
- She is aprolificwriterwith criticalviewsand asharptongue.
- She is very critical of the way webringupourchildren.
Critical & uncomplimentary
- acidulous
- astringency
- astringently
- barbed
- be all very wellidiom
- censorious
- deprecating
- derogatory
- disapproving
- pejorative
- pointed
- scathing
- self-criticism
- self-damning
- shade
- snark
- snidely
- snideness
- sniffy
- throw shadeidiom
of thegreatestimportanceto the way things mighthappen:
关键性的;决定性的;至关重要的The president'ssupportis critical (tothisproject).总统的支持(对该计划)至关重要。
a criticaldecision重大决定
- Theavoidanceofinjuryis critical to aprofessionalathlete.
- It is critical that wekeepthecontentof theletterssecret.
- Continuedfundingis critical for theproject.
- Heleftacasecontainingcriticaldocumentson thetrain.
- Continualstirringis critical to a goodcustard.
Very important or urgent
- all-important
- at all cost(s)idiom
- be a matter of life and/or deathidiom
- cardinal
- chief
- co-principal
- life-and-death
- life-changing
- mainly
- major league
- make the world go around/roundidiom
- meaningful
- pressing
- prized
- prominent
- radical
- revalorization
- revalorize
- sacred
- subtle
criticaladjective(GIVING OPINIONS)
givingopinionsorjudgmentsonbooks,plays,films, etc.:
(对书、戏剧、电影等)评论的She has written amajorcriticalappraisal/studyof Saul Bellow'snovels.她着有一篇重要的评论文章,对索尔‧贝娄的小说作了评价/研究。
His lastfilmwon/receivedcriticalacclaim(= waspraisedbyfilmcritics).他的最新影片赢得了评论界的赞誉。
- Studying hascertainlysharpenedmy criticalfaculties.
- Despite hisgreatcommercialsuccesshe stillyearnsfor criticalapproval.
- Theplayopenedtogreatcriticalacclaim.
- He has written alongcriticalpieceevaluatingtheexhibition.
Analysing and evaluating
- adjudication
- analysable
- analyse
- analyser
- dive
- enquiry
- gauge
- go over
- go through
- have the measure ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- inspect
- inspection
- probe
- reinterpret
- reinterpretation
- reinvestigate
- reinvestigation
- research
- scratch
- the acid test
严重的;危急的,危险的Bothdriversare critical/in a criticalcondition(= sobadlyhurtthat they mightdie)after the 120mphcrash.两车在时速为120英里的情况下相撞,司机均身受重伤,情况危急。
Serious and severe
- acutely
- acuteness
- catastrophic
- chronic
- critically
- dire
- egregious
- fatal
- grave
- heaviness
- non-fatal
- non-serious
- seriously
- severe
- severely
- stringent
- terminal
- terminally
- toughness
- utmost