uk/krɒs/us/krɑːs/crossverb(GO ACROSS)
to goacrossfrom onesideof something to the other:
越过;横穿;横渡;横跨It's not a goodplaceto cross theroad.这里不适宜横穿马路。
Look bothwaysbefore you crossover(= cross theroad).过马路前先要左右看看。
Cross thebridgeandturnright.过桥后右拐。
They crossedfromAlbaniaintoGreece.他们穿越阿尔巴尼亚进入了希腊。
If something crossesyourmind, youthinkof it:
(念头)闪现,掠过;想起,记起It crossed mymindyesterdaythat you must beshortofstaff.昨天我突然想起你一定缺人手。
- You have toholdmyhandwhen we cross theroad.
- Thetraincrosses theborderbetween France and Spain.
- With oneleaphe crossed thestream.
- We had to cross alargeareaofarid,featurelessdesert.
- Leave themainroadand cross thebridge, andkeepgoing until youseeagateon theleft-handside.
Crossing and moving through
- bash through (something)
- break
- break throughsomething
- criss-cross
- crossed
- cut
- cut acrosssomething
- ford
- penetrate
- penetration
- penetrative
- percolate
- pierce
- plough
- rip
- scythe
- straddle
- thread
- transit
- uncrossed
to put one ofyourarms,fingers, orlegsover thetopof the other:
交叉双臂/手指/双腿Shesatdown and crossed herlegs.她坐下跷起了二郎腿。
toannoysomeone by not doing or saying what theywant:
与…作对;惹恼I wouldn't cross him if I were you, not if youvalueyourlife.如果我是你就不会跟他作对,除非不想活了。
Causing feelings of anger and displeasure
- aggravate
- aggrieve
- alienate
- anger
- annoy
- bend
- get upsomeone'snoseidiom
- givesomeonethe shitsidiom
- go too faridiom
- goat
- grate
- joke
- nark
- rub
- rubsomeoneup the wrong wayidiom
- ruffle
- rufflesomeone'sfeathersidiom
- setsomeone'steeth on edgeidiom
- tit
- troll
If you cross aplantoranimalwith another of a differenttype, youcausethem tobreedtogether inordertoproducea newvariety(=typeofplantoranimal).
使杂交Breeds & breeding
- beget
- breeder
- breeding
- breeding ground
- brood mare
- crossbred
- heritage
- heritage breed
- inbred
- inbreeding
- interbreed
- pedigree
- pedigreed
- puppy farm
- puppy mill
- purebred
- sire
- teaser
- thoroughbred
- well bred
crossverb(IN SPORT)
in somesports, tohit,kick, orthrowtheballacrosstheplayingareato anotherplayer, notforwardsorbackwards:
(球类运动)横传He crossed (theball) to Bremer, whosomehowfailedtoscorefrom twometresout.他把球横传给布莱梅,可是不知怎么的布莱梅两米外射门却没有射中。
General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
crossverb(MAKE SIGN)
finance & economicsUKspecialized
todrawtwolinesacrossthemiddleof achequeto show that itneedsto bepaidinto abankaccount:
在(支票中间)上画两道线(表示需要转入银行账户)a crossedcheque划线支票,转账支票
WhenCatholicsand some othertypesof Christians cross themselves, theymovetheirhanddown and thenacrosstheirfaceorchest, making theshapeof a cross:
(基督徒)在胸前画十字Shefellto herknees, crossed herself, andbegantoprayfervently.
Hebowedinfrontof thealtar, crossing himself.
Idippedmyfingersin theholywaterand crossed myself.
It iscommontoseeathleteshuddlingin acircleand crossing themselves before agame.
Payment methods
- anti-kickback
- ATM card
- automatic withdrawal
- bad cheque
- baksheesh
- cashback
- chip
- commission
- legal tender
- liquefy
- liquid
- monometallic
- non-cash
- non-monetary
- non-money
- non-paying
- payoff
- wave and pay
- whip-round
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Gestures & gesturing
Religious practices
crosssomeone'shand/palm with silver
cross my heart (and hope to die)
cross the line
crosssomeone'spath/cross paths withsomeone
cross swords
I'll/we'll cross that bridge when I/we come/get to it
Phrasal verbs
crosssomeone/somethingoff (something)
cross over
a writtenmark(x or +)formedby twolinesgoingacrosseach other. Themarkx is usually used to show where something is, or that something has not been writtencorrectly.
Olga Kashurina/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Put a cross next to thenameof thecandidateyouwanttovotefor.
- There was abigredcross on thesideof thevan.
- On thealtarthere was only asimplewoodencross.
- You canseethe cross on thetopof thechurchsteeplefrom alongway away.
- I got all theanswerswrong-look, theteacherput a cross against all of them!
- abbreviated
- accent
- acute
- apostrophe
- at sign
- block capitals
- caron
- cedilla
- comma
- dash
- diacritical
- double prime
- round brackets
- semicolon
- small cap
- small capitals
- solidus
- square brackets
- stroke
- unbracketed
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Patterns and shapes
anobjectmade of onelonguprightpieceofwood, with asmallerpieceacrossit near thetop. In the past,peopleweretiedorfastenedwithnailsto crosses as apunishmentandlefthangingon them until theydied.
anobjectin theshapeof a cross thatpeoplewerekilledon, used as asymbolofChristianity:
(象征基督教的)十字架,十字形物件Christdiedon the Cross.耶稣基督死在十字架上。
Shewearsagoldcross around herneck.她脖子上戴着一个金十字架。
Thepriestmade thesignof thecross(=movedhis or herhanddown and thenacrossthechest)over thedeadbodies.牧师对着尸体在胸前画了个十字。
amedalin theshapeof a cross:
十字勋章InBritain, the Victoria Cross isawardedforactsofgreatbraveryduringwartime.在英国,维多利亚十字勋章授给那些在战争中表现英勇的人。

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Religious objects
- ankh
- Calvary
- censer
- chalice
- clerical collar
- crozier
- crucifix
- crucifixion
- dog collar
- fetish
- holy grail
- hymnal
- idol
- kirpan
- Madonna
- stigmata
- totem
- totemic
- voodoo
- votive candle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Specific signs and symbols
Prizes, rewards and medals
amixtureof two different things that have beencombinedtoproducesomething new:
混合物;杂种;混血儿Policedogsare often a crossbetweenaretrieverand aGermanShepherd.警犬往往是寻回犬和德国牧羊犬杂交的后代。
See also
Variety and mixtures
- all manner ofsomethingidiom
- alphabet soup
- assorted
- assortment
- biodiverse
- hodgepodge
- hotchpotch
- hybridize
- hybridized
- it takes all sorts (to make a world)idiom
- multiplicity
- non-segregated
- odds and ends
- of every stripe/of all stripesidiom
- panoply
- sundry
- syncretism
- this
- this and thatidiom
- variety is the spice of lifeidiom
crossnoun[C](IN SPORT)
in somesports, akick,hit, orthrowof theballthat goes from onesideof theplayingareato the other, notforwardsorbackwards:
(球类运动)横传Heheadedtheballinto thenet, after agreatcross from Pele.他接贝利一记精妙横传,一甩头把球送入了网窝。
General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
a (heavy) cross to bear
恼怒的;愤怒的;生气的My Dad gets cross (withme) if Ileavethekitchenin amess.要是我把厨房搞得乱七八糟,我爸爸会生(我)气的。
- angryIt does no good to get angry at him - it won't change the situation at all.
- madAre you mad at me?
- soreUSHe's still sore about the way things turned out.
- annoyedHe was annoyed with her for being late.
- irritatedI was irritated that he didn't thank me.
Angry and displeased
- acrimonious
- acrimoniously
- aggrieved
- amused
- angrily
- fed up
- fed up to the back teethidiom
- fit to be tiedidiom
- furious
- furiously
- jaundiced
- peeved
- piqued
- pissed off
- pissy
- pouty
- venomous
- wound up
- wrathful
- wrathfully