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单词 strike out
释义 strike out
1.remove 删去;涂去
*You had better strike out the fourth paragraph.你最好删去第4段。
*She struck out the sentence she had just written and added a new one.她把刚写的那句话删掉了,另加了一句。
2.dawn on 想起;明白
*He struck out a plan of doing the work well.他想出一个做好该工作的计划。
*He struck out a plan for himself for the next year.他为自己拟订了下一年的计划。
3.start to do and different,esp.on one's own自成一路;创新
*He decided to leave his father's firm and strike out on his own.他决定离开父亲的公司,出去开创一条自己的路。
*He struck out a path through the thicket.他开辟了一条穿过灌木林的新路。
4.try to hit a wild or uncontrolled way用力打
*The little boy was frightened and struck out madly.孩子非常害怕,用手乱打。
*He lost his temper and struck out wildly.他动了肝火,大打出手。
5.move quickly in a certain direction 向…快速走去;用手脚使劲划水
*He dived off the boat and struck out for the island,他从船上跃入水中,朝岛上用力游去。
*She stood hesitant for a minute and then struck out for the bus stop.她站在那儿迟疑了片刻,然后拿定主意向汽车站疾步走去。




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