mountain climber
uk/ˈmaʊn.tɪn ˌklaɪ.mər/us/ˈmaʊn.tən ˌklaɪ.mɚ/mountain climbernoun[C](PERSON)
apersonwhoclimbsmountainsas asport:
登山者Hersonbecameanextremeskier, arockclimberand amountainclimber.她的儿子成为了一名极限滑雪者、攀岩者和登山者。

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apersonwho is good atridingabicycleupmountains:
(优秀的)登山车手,山地自行车手He isregardedas thefinestmountainclimbercyclinghasseenin ageneration.他被认为是一代人中最优秀的山地自行车手。
- Arcticexplorersormountainclimberscan sometimeslosefingers,toes, orevennosesas aresultoffreezingtemperatures.
- Anavidmountainclimber, Cobb at 51attemptedto be the first American woman toscaleMountEverest.
- SeattlemountainclimberEd Viesturs iscloseto hisgoalofclimbingthe world's 14highestpeakswithoutsupplementaloxygen.
- Thedomineeringmountainclimberisincomparablysmoothon thebike.
- In theracethebestmountainclimberwearsaredspottedjersey, the "maillot à pois".
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseil
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- climbing
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- free soloist
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountainboarding
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
- sport climbing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Competitors & participants in sports & games
mountain climbernoun[C](EXERCISE)
anexercisein which youstartwithyourhandsandfeeton thefloorandyourlegsstretchedout, and thenbringeachleginturnup towardsyourchest:
登山式运动(一种模拟爬山的全身性运动)Doing a set ofmountainclimbersshould getyourheartrateup andburnfattoo.做一组登山式运动,应该能让你的心率提高,也能燃烧脂肪。

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- Themountainclimberis achallengefor theentirebody,especiallyif you do itfastenough toactas acardioworkout.
- Amountainclimberisbasicallyaplankwhere yourunon thespot.
- If youvalueefficientmovesinyourstrength-trainingworkouts,mountainclimbersare aperfectfit.
- Mountainclimbersare akillerexercisethat getyourheartrateupfastwhile alsofiringnearlyeverymusclegroupin thebody.
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- bench
- interval training
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- resistance training
- Spinning
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- tai chi
- taper
- triceps dip