mountain goat
uk/ˌmaʊn.tɪn ˈɡəʊt/us/ˌmaʊn.tən ˈɡoʊt/ananimalsimilarto agoatthat haslongwhitehairand isfoundespeciallyinmountainareasofNorthAmerica:
石山羊,岩羊,雪羊;(尤指)北美山羊Mountaingoatsliveamong thesteepslopesof the RockyMountains.北美山羊生活在落基山脉的陡峭山坡间。
It is veryeasytohikeup into themountainsandfindyourselfalonewith themountaingoats.徒步上山之后,常常发现只有自己跟山羊在那里。

Sandra Leidholdt/Moment/GettyImages
- Despiteitsname, themountaingoatis not agoat.
- Themountaingoat'snaturalrangestretchesfrom Washington and Idaho to Alaska'scoastalmountains.
- In 1997, elevenmountaingoatswerekilledby alightningstrikein the Collegiate Peaks.
Sheep & goats
- bezoar
- billy goat
- ewe
- goat
- ibex
- kid
- lamb
- merino
- nanny goat
- ovine
- ram
- shearling
- sheep
- wether