literarydisapprovinguk/ˈmaʊn.tɪ.bæŋk/us/ˈmaʊn.t̬ə.bæŋk/someone whopretendsto be someone or something that they are not, or to beableto do something that they cannot:
江湖骗子Theuniversitywasdividedinto thosepeoplewhothoughthe was ageniusand those whothoughthe was a mountebank.大学分成了两派,一派认为他是天才,另一派认为他是个江湖骗子。
Thepotionwasdispensedby bothphysiciansanditinerantmountebanks.药水是医生和游走各处的江湖骗子一起炮制的。
- He isreminiscentof afairgroundmountebank, orperhapsthecharlatanwizardGilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter.
- He is asorcerer. Or,perhaps, a mountebank.
- Study of hischaracterrevealsastrongveinof the mountebank and many of hisclaimsseemto have littlebasisinfact.
Faking & pretending
- affect
- air guitar
- assume
- believe
- changeling
- charlatan
- cry
- false
- false modesty
- falsifiable
- falsify
- feign
- massage
- out-bluff
- passsomethingoff assomething
- phoney
- play-act
- professed
- purport
- quack
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cheating & tricking
Dishonest people