quad hockey
USuk/ˈkwɒd ˌhɒk.i/us/ˈkwɑːd ˌhɑː.ki/(alsorink hockey)atraditionalformofrollerhockey(= atypeofhockeygameplayedonrollerskates)in which theplayerswearquadskates(=rollerskateswith fourwheelson thebottom, two at thefront, and two at the back):
Quadhockeyis ateamsportthatenjoyssignificantpopularityin anumberofLatinAmericancountries.
Inquadhockeyrollerskatesare used, while in inlinehockeyinlineskatesare used.
roller hockey
- Seebelow for anexplanationof therulesofquadhockeyorrinkhockey.
- Quadhockeywas ademonstrationsportat the 1992 Barcelona SummerOlympics.
- Inquadhockeyskatesmust have twopairsofwheels.
- biscuit
- blocker
- carry
- cooler
- corner
- five-hole
- floor hockey
- fullback
- goal
- goaltender
- hockey
- penalty box
- puck
- rhombus
- rink hockey
- set play
- shin guard
- shin pad
- shirt pad
- stick