uk/ˈsɪl.və.bæk/us/ˈsɪl.vɚ.bæk/(alsosilverback gorilla,uk/ˌsɪl.və.bæk ɡəˈrɪl.ə/us/ˌsɪl.vɚ.bæk ɡəˈrɪl.ə/)
anoldermalegorilla(= alargeape)that haswhiteorsilverhaironitsback and is thedominant(=controlling)memberofitsgroup:
银背大猩猩Thelarge21-year-old silverbackkeepsawaryeyeover hisfamilygroup.这名体积庞大的21岁银背大猩猩一直保持警惕,关注着自己的家族群。

David Schenfeld/500px Prime/GettyImages
anolderman wholikesto havepowerandcontrolover otherpeople:
喜欢权力及控制他人的老人For at least 40yearsNormanMailer was the silverback of theliteraryscene.在长达40年的时间里,诺曼·梅勒就像是文学界的“银背大猩猩”。
Humans, apes & monkeys
- anthropo-
- anthropoid
- ape
- baboon
- bonobo
- great ape
- hominid
- hominin
- homo
- Homo sapiens
- langur
- lemur
- loris
- macaque
- mandrill
- rhesus monkey
- ring-tailed lemur
- sapient
- simian
- spider monkey