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单词 take down
释义 take down
1.remove;get by lifting down 移动
*Please take down the books from the shelf.请把书从架上取下来。
2.write in shorthand;write down;record 用速记记录;记录;速记
*The policeman took down all particulars of the accident.警察把事故的所有细节都记录下来了。
*She took down the speech in short hand.她用速记法把演讲记了下来。
3.diminish the pride or arrogance of;humiliate 挫某人的傲气;挫锐气
*A person who is always trying to take other people down gets himself disliked.老是企图让别人丢面子的人不讨人喜欢。
*Margaret has too high an opinion of herself.Someone must take her down a bit.玛格丽特太自负了,应当有人挫一挫她的傲气。
4.dismantle;pull or take apart 拆卸;拆散
*The workmen are now taking down the scaffolding round the building.工人们正在拆卸建筑物周围的脚手架。
*Carpenters took down the old house in order to build a new one.木工们拆掉那老房子,以便建一幢新房。
5.fall sick;become ill 病倒
*He was taken down with fever.他因发烧而病倒了。
6.cheat 欺骗
*The plausible rogue took me down over that bargain.这花言巧语的流氓在那宗交易中欺骗了我。
*Only when he got the camera home and began to examine it did he realize that he had been taken down at the pawnbroker's.当他回家检查买回来的照相机时,才发觉自己在当铺里受骗了。
7.swallow with difficulty 困难地吞下
*Take the medicine down and do not stop to think about it.把药吞下去,吞的时候不要停下来想它。




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