uk/kraʊn/us/kraʊn/crownnoun[C](HEAD COVERING)
acirculardecorationfor thehead, usually made ofgoldandjewels(=preciousstones), andwornby akingorqueenatofficialceremonies
Liliboas/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- The crown,decoratedwithdiamondsand otherpreciousstones, wasexhibitedin aspecialcase.
- The queen'sregaliaat hercoronationincludedher crown andsceptre.
- ankle bracelet
- bangle
- bauble
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- butterfly
- circlet
- clip-on
- cuff
- drip
- earring
- engagement ring
- finery
- jewelled
- jewellery
- jewellery box
- rhinestone
- signet ring
- sleeper
- sparkler
- treasure
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Ceremonial clothes & objects
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
crownnoun[C](TOP PART)
thetoppartof ahead,hat, orhill:
(头、帽或山的)顶部Apinkribbonhad beentiedaround the crown of thehat.帽子顶部系着一条粉色的缎带。
Edges & extremities of objects
- -rimmed
- apex
- apical
- apices
- bevel
- border
- bottom
- brow
- circumference
- edge
- extremity
- foot
- front
- palm-fringed
- perimeter
- periphery
- rim
- rimless
- tip
- vertex
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The head
anartificialpieceused tocoveradamagedtooth
- central giant cell granuloma
- dam
- dental floss
- dental hygienist
- dental practitioner
- dental surgeon
- dentigerous cyst
- dentist
- extraction
- filling
- grind
- gum
- occlusion
- odontologist
- odontology
- oral surgeon
- orthodontic
- orthodontics
- periodontics
- toothpick
a Britishcointhat is nolongerused
TimZillion/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
British money
- bit
- bob
- farthing
- fiver
- guinea
- P, p
- pence
- penny
- pound
- pound sign
- pound sterling
- quid
- shilling
- sixpenny
- smacker
- sovereign
- threepenny
- tuppence
- tuppenny
- twopenny
partof aturkeyor otherlargebirdeatenasfoodthatincludesthebreast(=chestparts)but not thelegs:
Supermarkets haveseenastrongincreaseindemandforturkeycrowns thisChristmas.
I'veboughtagoosecrown thisyearas analternativetoturkey.
A crown isperfectif you have fewerpeopletofeedorguestswho all likewhitemeat.
- A crown willcookmorequicklyand shouldfitin anyoven– andyourroastingtin.
- Theturkeybreastcrown shouldstandfor 20minutesbeforecarving.
- Thebonelessturkeycrown ispackagedin 4kgsectionsand can bemachinesliced.
- Brush thegoosecrown with thesoftenedbutter&seasonwell withseasalt&freshlygroundwhitepepper.
Meat - general words
- barbecue
- breast
- carrion
- charcuterie
- chub
- dry aged
- game
- gristle
- joint
- lardon
- marrowbone
- meat
- meatiness
- meaty
- Quorn
- red meat
- spring chicken
- tikka
- white meat
uk/kraʊn/us/kraʊn/crownverb[T](HEAD COVERING)
to put a crown on someone'sheadin anofficialceremonythat makes thatpersonkingorqueen:
为…加冕;立…为君主Queen Elizabeth II was crowned (queen)(= madequeenin aspecialceremony)in 1953.伊丽莎白女王二世于1953年加冕。
See also
If aneventorachievementcrowns something, it is thebestor mostsuccessfulpartof it:
使达到顶峰;使圆满anactingcareercrowned by herfinalOscar-winningperformance以最终赢得奥斯卡奖而达到顶峰的演艺生涯
- anti-ritualism
- cavalcade
- ceremonial
- ceremonially
- ceremony
- hara-kiri
- induction
- initiate
- installation
- investiture
- knight
- master of ceremonies
- memorial service
- pageant
- ribbon cutting
- rite of passage
- ritual
- ritualistic
- ritualistically
- troop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Surpassing in quality or number
crownverb[T](TOP PART)
If something crowns somethingelse, it is on or around thetopof it:
加顶于;覆盖…的顶部Thechurchwas crowned withgoldendomes.教堂顶部是金色的穹顶。
tohitsomeone on thehead
打…的头部Enclosing, surrounding and immersing
- beleaguer
- beleaguered
- beset
- border
- boxsomeone/somethingin
- dunk
- enclosure
- fencesomethingin
- fencesomethingoff
- flooding
- gather
- gift wrap
- gift-wrapped
- siege
- steep
- steepsomething/someoneinsomething
- submersion
- swaddle
- swallow
- swamp
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hitting and beating
tofita crown(=toothcovering):
给牙镶齿冠She's had her twofrontteethcrowned.她给两颗门牙镶了齿冠。
- central giant cell granuloma
- dam
- dental floss
- dental hygienist
- dental practitioner
- dental surgeon
- dentigerous cyst
- dentist
- extraction
- filling
- grind
- gum
- occlusion
- odontologist
- odontology
- oral surgeon
- orthodontic
- orthodontics
- periodontics
- toothpick
to crown it all