crown roast
uk/ˌkraʊn ˈrəʊst/us/ˌkraʊn ˈroʊst/UK(alsocrown)
partof aturkeyor otherlargebirdcookedin anovenandeatenasfoodthatincludesthebreast(=chestparts), but not thelegs:
Supermarkets haveseenastrongincreaseindemandforturkeycrownroaststhisChristmas.
A crownroastwillcookmorequicklyand shouldfitin anyoven, andyourroastingtin.
alargepieceofmeatfrom apigorlamb(=youngsheep)that ispreparedtolooklike acrown(=headcoveringwornby akingorqueen)andcookedin anoven:
As with allriojasit goesbeautifullywithlambdishessuch as crownroastand Lancashirehotpot.
You canstuffa crownroastofpork, or you cancookthestuffingseparately.
- Theturkeybreastcrownroastshouldstandfor 20minutesbeforecarving.
- If you don'tfinda crownroastoflambat thesupermarketmeatcounter,askthebutchertoprepareone for you.
- The crownroastencirclesastuffingofapples,breadcrumbs,onion,celery, andlemon.
- Therackis eithercutintochopsorservedwholeas with a crownroast.
Cuts of meat
- baby back ribs
- baron of beef
- bavette
- boneless
- bottom round
- chop
- escalope
- filet
- fillet
- fillet steak
- flank steak
- hock
- medallion
- nugget
- oyster
- porterhouse
- rasher
- rib
- rib-eye steak
- round steak