cup sleeve
uk/ˈkʌp ˌsliːv/us/ˈkʌp ˌsliːv/a tube-shapedpieceofmaterialthat is put on acupforhotdrinks, tostopyouburningyourfingerswhen youholdit:
杯套We usecupsleevesmade fromrecycledcardboard.我们使用由回收纸板制成的杯套。

mphillips007/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thecompanygivescustomersadiscountwhen theybringtheirownreusablecup, and usescorrugatedcupsleevesmade fromrecycledfiber.
- Thesereusablecupsleevesare made fromtexturedsiliconeforeasygrip.
- You could make themedbuntingandevencoffeecupsleeves!
- Perfect for use withhotdrinkscups,ourcardboardtakeawaycupsleevesstopfingersbeingburned.
Lids, covers and stoppers
- bezel
- bottle cap
- bottle top
- bung
- coozy
- cosy
- crystal
- Koozie
- lid
- nozzle
- pen lid
- piano lid
- plug
- pull-tab
- sleeve
- stubby holder
- tab
- tea cosy
- tight-fitting
- zarf