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单词 take to
释义 take to
1.begin to apply ordevote oneself to 开始从事;养成(某种习惯)
*Itook to smoking ten years ago.我10年前开始抽烟。
*Some of the plants formerly producing machines have taken to making parts.有些工厂原来生产整部机器,现在开始生产零件。
*If a man once takes to gambling,it's difficult for him to break the habit.一个人一旦染上赌博的习惯,是很难戒掉的。
*I have taken to playing golf at weekends.我养成了在周末打高尔夫球的习惯。 fond of喜欢
*He has really taken to that child.他确实喜欢那孩子。
*I took to stampcollecting last year.我是去年爱上集邮的。
*How has Billy taken to his new school?贝利是如何喜欢上他的新学校的?
*I tried to teach him to type, but he didn't seem to take to.我试图教他打字,但他似乎对此不感兴趣。
*I took to him immediately we met.我们一见面我就喜欢上他了。
3.have recourse to(usn. for safety)求助于(常出于安全原因)
*When the ship was wrecked, the passengers on board took to the life boats.轮船失事时,船上的旅客们乘上了救生艇逃生。
4.go to;betake oneself to去;往
*Thousands of people took to the streets to welcome the returningcombat heroes.成千上万的人涌上街头,欢迎归来的战斗英雄们。
*When he is in a bad mood, he usually takes to his room without saymg anything.他情绪不好时,通常去他自己的房间,什么话也不说。




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