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单词 take up
释义 take up
1.allow( passengers, etc.) to mount; stop and accept停车接纳乘客
*The cars took their passengers up outside the hotel.那些汽车在旅馆外面接纳乘客。
*The bus stopped to take up passengers.公共汽车停下来让乘客上车。
*The train stops here to take up more passengers,and then goes fast all the way to London. 火车在这里停下来,再让一些乘客上车,然后就直抵伦敦。
2.occupy(time, space, etc.)占有(时间,空间等)
*This work will take up a lot of my time.这项工作将占去我很多时间。
*I must get rid of this large table;it takes up too much room.我得把这个大桌子拿走,它太占地方。I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your valuable time.占用了你那么多宝贵时间,真抱歉。
3.continue; resume继续做;接着…讲
*I put the telephone down and took up the work again.我放下电话继续工作。
*She took up her sewing after the visitor had gone.客人走后她继续做她的针线活。
4.assume(a position, office, atti tude,etc.)担任;承担(职位);采取态度
*When does the new director take up his post? 新的主任什么时候走马上任?
*He will take up his new post on October 1.他将在10月1日就任新职。
*The new president took up office yesterday.新总统昨天就职。
*A most aggressive attitude was taken up by the next speaker.第 2个发言人采取了非常放肆的态度。
5.adopt sth. as a profession, hobby, subject for study, etc.从事某种职业;对某事有爱好;从事一项研究或学习
*When he left school he took up journalism.离开学校以后,他就从事了新闻工作。
*Rich people can afford to take up whatever hobbies they like.富人有能力从事他们所喜欢的任何爱好。
*I think I'll take up oil pointing in my spare time.我想我将要在业余时间练习油画。
*The scientist has taken up a new subject.这位科学家已开始研究一个新的课题。
6.pull and make tight or shorter;shorten缩紧;减短
*The tailor took up the legs of the trousers. 裁缝把裤子改短了。
7.gather in(a contribution,etc.); collect募捐;收集(钱等)
*The girls will take up a collection at the end of the concert.这些女孩子在音乐会结束后要募捐。
*All the tickets were taken up at the exit.所有的车票都在出口处被收去了。
8.take away; lift up; raise拿走;拿起;举起
*The driver has had his license taken up for violating traffic regulations.因为违反交通规则,那个驾驶员的执照被吊销了。
*He took up the telephone receiver and asked a number. 他拿起电话询问一个电话号码。
9.remove by taking in把…吸进去;溶解
*This kind of paper claims to be able to take up more liquid than any other kind.这种纸据说比其它任何纸吸水性都强。
*The vacuum cleaner took up the dirt from the rug.吸尘器把地毯上的灰尘吸掉了。
*10.raise consideration of提出商讨;提出考虑
*They decided to take the matter up at the plenary meeting.他们决定在全会上把这件事提出来。
*The question of public housing should be taken up with the Minister whose responsibility it is.公众的住房问题应该提交负责这项工作的部长考虑。
*He said he would take up my difficulties with the headmaster.他说要把我的问题提出来和校长商量解决。
*The matter will be taken up at the next Party branch meeting.下一次党支部会议将着手处理此事。
*The police took him up on a drugs charge.警察以吸毒的罪名逮捕了他。
*Within two hours the arsonist was taken up by the police. 纵火犯在两小时内就被警察抓住了。
12.establish oneself in在…安居下来
*He took up his permanent residence in Beijing after graduation. 他毕业后在北京定居下来。
13.interrupt by dissent; interrupt andcorrect;rebuke;reprimand (为表示异议等)打断(某人的话);打断并更正;指责;责备
*He took me up short on that point.我讲到那个问题时他突然打断了我的话。
*She said something very absurd and we immediately took her up.她说了些非常荒谬的话,我们立即打断了她的话。
*Please don't take me up wrongly.请别误解我的意思。
15.adopt sb. as a protege提携;把…当作被保护人;帮助
*Though a busy and successful nowelist, he was willing to take up any promising young writer and give him all the help he could.虽然他是一个很忙而又很有成就的小说家,但他愿意提携任何有前途的青年作家并给予一切可能的帮助。




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