athickyelloworbrownsaucethattastesspicyand iseatencoldinsmallamounts,especiallywithmeat:
芥末;芥子酱The only thing in thefridgewas ajarof mustard.
First,place1tablespoonof Dijon mustard in abowl.

domnicky/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
aplantwithyellowflowersandseedsthat are used to make athickyelloworbrownspicysauce:
More than 40 different mustardplantspeciesexistthroughouttheworld.
Mustard and collardgreensaddwonderfulflavourto asalad.
a brownish-yellowcolour:
深黄色的,芥末色的Colourcombinationsincludedthedeliberatelydowdymustard withgrey.

Sauces, dressings, dips & pickles
- aioli
- aji
- Alfredo
- apple sauce
- arrowroot
- coulis
- Cumberland sauce
- custard
- custard powder
- dashi
- kung pao
- mango chutney
- marinade
- mayo
- mayonnaise
- salsa
- sambal
- scalloped
- soy sauce
- sriracha
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Types of plant
Less common colours
See also
black mustard
Dijon mustard
garlic mustard
spider mustard
white mustard
深黄色,芥末色a mustardshirt深黄色的衬衣
Less common colours
- amethyst
- apple green
- argent
- ashy
- avocado
- bisque
- blue-black
- claret
- coppery
- dun
- earth tone
- emerald
- fiery
- goldish
- peach
- saffron
- sapphire
- sepia
- tangerine
- taupe