uk/mjuːt/us/mjuːt/silentor notspeaking:
沉默的;(活动)无声的Thepresidenthasremainedmute aboutplanstocurtailthenumberofimmigrants.总统对于减少外来移民人数的方案保持沉默。
Igazedat her in muteadmiration.我默默地凝视着她,心生爱慕之情。
无法说话的;(人)哑的Falling silent and not speaking
- be (on) non-speakersidiom
- bite
- bitesomethingback
- biteyourtongueidiom
- button your lipidiom
- clam
- clam up
- draw
- have nothing to say foryourselfidiom
- mouth
- silence is goldenidiom
- speak
- speechless
- speechlessly
- speechlessness
- stick
- stick insomeone'sthroatidiom
- tongue-tied
- unavowed
- wordless
adeviceforchangingthesoundof amusicalinstrument, usually making itquieter:
(乐器上的)弱音器He wasplayinghistrumpetwith a mute.他正在吹装了弱音器的小号。

eugenesergeev/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images /GettyImages
(alsomute button)
abuttonon anelectronicdevicethat makes itsilent:
静音按钮Ipressedthe mute on myphoneso she couldn'thearthepeopletalkingin thebackground.我按下手机上的静音按钮,这样她就不会听到背景中别人的说话声了。
He waswatchingTV with the mutebuttonon.他正在按了静音键看电视。
anoffensiveword for apersonwho is notabletospeak
Musical instruments
- accordion
- acoustically
- aerophone
- alphorn
- alto
- drum kit
- drum machine
- drumbeat
- drumroll
- drumstick
- panpipes
- pedal steel
- penny whistle
- percussion
- percussionist
- tuning fork
- tuning peg
- ukulele
- unpitched
- unplugged
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Electrical switches & connections
uk/mjuːt/us/mjuːt/If you mute anoise, or adevicemaking anoise, you make it lessloudor notableto beheardat all:
Heavycurtainsmuted thenoiseof thetraffic.厚厚的窗帘减弱了交通噪声。
She muted the TV so she couldhearwhat he was saying.
Don'tforgetto muteyourmicrophonewhen anotherpersonon thecallisspeaking.
to make apersonunableto beheard, forexamplewhen usingvideoconferencingsoftware:
Automatically muteparticipantsas theyjointhemeeting, andallowparticipantsto unmute themselves if theywanttospeaktoothersin themeeting.
If you mute amusicalinstrument, youattachadeviceto it thatchangesitssound, usually making itquieter:
tostopsomeone'smessages,pictures, etc.appearingon asocialmediawebsitewhen youlookat it, withoutremovingthepersonas afriend:
Instagram nowletsyou muteyourfriends.
Silence & quiet
- cricketsidiom
- deafening
- deafeningly
- hush
- inaudibly
- keep it downidiom
- keepsomethingdown
- muffled
- muted
- quiet
- quieten
- silent
- silently
- soundlessly
- subdued
- trail
- trail away/off
- underyourbreathidiom
- unmute
- you could have heard a pin dropidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Communications - general words
Playing music
Internet, email and texting conventions
Communicating & keeping in touch