uk/ˈmjuː.tɪ.nəs/us/ˈmjuː.tən.əs/(especiallyof asailoror asoldier)refusingtoobeyordersorattemptingto takecontrolfrompeopleinauthority:
反叛的,叛逆的;哗变的The mutinoussailorstookcontrolof theship.哗变的水手控制了这艘船。
Mutinoussoldiersoccupiedthestateradiostationin thecapital.暴动的士兵占领了首都的国家广播电台。
refusingor notwillingto do what you are told to do:
表示抗议的;桀骜不驯的She gave him a mutinouslookandsnatchedthecupfrom under hisnose.她桀骜不驯地看了他一眼,从他鼻子底下把杯子夺了过来。
Still mutinous, theboysresistedbeingsenttotheirbedroom.男孩子们还在反抗,拒绝被送回自己的卧室。
- Mutinoustroopspouredinto thecityfrom all round theregion.
- Thecreware not mutinousexactly, but they arecertainlyconcerned.
- MPswill be in mutinousmoodwhen theygatherinSeptemberfortheirannualconference.
- Herexpressionwas mutinous, but she did as heasked.
- Thechildlookedat him with mutinous, tear-filledeyes.
Taking action against people in power
- anarchist
- angry young man
- anti-apartheid
- anti-revolutionary
- anti-state
- insurgency
- insurrection
- jihadi
- mujahideen
- mutineer
- rebelliousness
- recusant
- red flag
- revolt
- revolution
- subversiveness
- suicide bomber
- terrorist
- topple
- troublemaker
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