medicalspecializeduk/ˈkjuː.tɪs/us/ˈkjuː.t̬ɪs/thelayerofskinunder theepidermis(= thethinouterlayerofskin), used in thenamesof somemedicalconditions:
真皮,皮肤(用于作为疾病名称的一部分)Theancientanatomistsdividedtheskininto twopartsorlayers, theinnerbeing called the cutis ordermis, and theouterthecuticleorepidermis.古代解剖学家将皮肤分为两个部分或两层,内层称为真皮,外层称为表皮。
Leukaemia cutis refers to theinfiltrationof theskinwithleukaemiacells.皮肤白血病
- Malpighi was the first todiscoverwhat wasthoughtto be a thirdlayerinterposedbetween the cutis and thecuticle.
- The neurite, assoonas itentersthe lowermost epitheliallayerof the cutis,breaksup.
- Cutis laxa is adisorderof theconnectivetissuethatproducesloose,wrinkledskin.
- Potentialskinchangesincludesymmetricalalopecia,thinningof theskin, and calcinosis cutis.
- Wereportthecaseof a 35-year-oldpatientwithsecondarycutis verticis gyrata (CVG).
The skin, & skin colour
- anti-wrinkle
- ashen
- ashy
- beauty spot
- blush
- crevice
- crimson
- cutaneous
- derma-
- drain
- florid
- flush
- freckle
- mole
- sunbathing
- sunburned
- suntan
- suntanned
- tanned
- tanning bed